Getting To Kamino (CH.50)

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Y/N's Pov

As me and the rest of the class walked down the aisle, I started wondering what could be so important that Eijiro wanted to tell us all, and soon enough we arrived at Izuku's door and entered. "Midoriya? You're awake!" Said Denki, and as we entered, he finished with. "Have you seen the news? They are all over U.A right now!" And once we reached his bed, Minoru pulled out a melon and left it over his bed counter.

"We also brough you a melon! Everyone cooperated!" I felt a bit bad for the last part because no one told me about this, so I hadn't paid any, but I just shrugged it off.

The rest started talking with him, and Fumikage said. "Seems like we cause a lot of problems."

"N-No guys! I'm the one that causes all the trouble!" Exclaimed Izuku. "Is all of 1-A here?" He asked to which Tenya answered.

"No, Jirou and Hagakure are still unconscious due to the villain's gas, and Yaoyorozu has great damage on her head, she supposedly recovered consciousness yesterday, but she still isn't here, so we're only 16." I started counting, and realized that, even if we add Izuku, there was still someone missing, when I remembered Katsuki, and assumed that he just didn't want to come, but Shoto said the true reason.

"Well, Bakugo was taken by the villains." I was shocked to hear this and made me feel even worse about what happened at the camp, because I knew he was an objective and didn't do anything to help him, and it seemed that I wasn't the only one that felt like that.

"All Might said that we can't those that we can't reach, b-but I was t-there! I s-should've s-s-saved him!" Said Izuku, while tearing up a lot and showing how frustrated he was. "It's j-just like Aizawa sensei body...didn't move."

"Then next time, let's go save him." Said Eijiro suddenly, and I assumed that whatever he meant, was what he also wanted to tell me.

"Eh?" Said almost everyone in unison.

"Actually, me and Todoroki came here yesterday, and we accidentally eavesdropped on a conversation between All Might, the police, and Yaoyorozu, in which she mentioned that she and Awase from 1-B placed a tracker on one of the villains and gave them a device to find it." I was mostly surprised to hear Yosetsu's participation on this, but tried to focus on the task at hand, and then Tenya spoke.

"So, in other words, you want to ask Yaoyorozu to make you another one to track the villains?" Eijiro nodded slowly, and this only angered him. "IT'S JUST LIKE ALL MIGHT SAID! THIS IS SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE LEFT TO THE PROS!! STUDENTS LIKE US SHOULDN'T MEDDLE IN THIS KIND OF THINGS!!!" And this reaction got him a similar one from Eijiro.

"DAMMIT, MAN! I KNOW! BUT I STILL COULDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" It was clear that both of them were really hurt by this, and Eijiro continued with. "HEARING THAT OUR FRIEND WAS AN OBJECTIVE, AND NOT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! IF I DON'T DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW, I WON'T BE ABLE TO CALL MYSELF A HERO! MUCH LESS A MAN!!!" This argument started getting pretty loud, and so, Denki remarked it.

"Guys, keep it down, we're at a hospital." And Tsuyu mentioned what she believed.

"Iida's right." But Eijiro was well aware about this and replied.

"IIDA'S RIGHT! YOU'RE ALL RIGHT!! BUT STILL!!!" And he then turned around to look at Izuku and continued with. "Midoriya! Your hands can still reach to him!" Everyone stayed in silence for around a minute, when Mina broke the silence with a question.

"So, we find this tracker thing from Yaomomo, and...we follow it? Are you planning to rescue Bakugo by yourselves?" Tenya was clearly getting angrier, but didn't say anything, so Shoto was the one to speak.

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