A Gun And Some Booze (CH.87)

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Izuku's Pov

I had just fallen down from the Hospital Floor level to what seemed to be some kind of improvised basement, along with Sir Nighteye, my current supervisor of my internship, and K, Y/N's supervisor.

At first we all believed that we were alone, and that this was only a plan for the Shie Hassaikai to slow us from going to save Eri, however, as we were about to go and continue looking, we all heard two very distinct sounds, a gun clicking, and a very goofy laugh.

All three of us turned to look at the source of the sound, and that's when Sir Nighteye said. "Who's there? Reveal yourselves." And that's when they came out.

The first thing we heard was even more laughter, then followed by the sound of some liquid spilling. "Oh, my. Three heroes just for the two of us." Started saying a man that, from the look of it, was crawling through the ceiling for some reason, and after letting out a loud burp, he finished with. "Seems like Mimic didn't do his work correctly." None of us lunged at them initially, as we all required more information to fight them.

Just a second after, a second man came from the shadows, walking correctly through the floor, and even looking a bit more menacing that the other one. "Don't complain. We just have to do our job for the sake of the young master!" After that, we all stood on a defensive position, and as K took a more analytic stance, Sir Nighteye asked.

"Just who are you two?" This seemed to confuse the one on the roof, as he didn't understand initially, letting out a 'huh?', but after catching up with it, he replied.

"Oh, us? That's nonimportant for you. You'll die either way." And then threw his bottle of booze at Nighteye, though with so little strength, that he just swatted it away with his hand. "Huh, seems like this'll be tougher than expected." He said, and while it was initially kin of fun, that quickly went away when he brought out several knives.

Since things were starting to get serious, I got up with Sir Nighteye, and then got prepared to fight alongside him. "Ready for this, kid?" Asked Sir Nighteye, to which I nodded and was about to run off, when the other guy in black said.

"Just wait right there kid. First tell, why are you really here? Is it to help the girl? Or is there something else?" After hearing this, something seemed to come over me, and even though I didn't want to talk, or even believe in what I said, I was forced to spoke out.

"I want to prove that I'm not useless. That I don't have to rely on Y/N for everything." After I realized what I just said, I suddenly felt something inside me shake. I was here to protect Eri, an to help her have a happy life, away from whatever this monsters were doing to her, or so I thought, because even if I wanted to believe that what I just said was a lie provoked by his quirk, there was still something telling me that it was the truth.

The indecision froze me in place, as I couldn't make up my mind, so Sir Nighteye tried to 'wake me up'. "C'mon, Deku. You can't let something like that stop you!" And then threw a slap to my cheek.

This was quite effective, as I felt like I did snap out of it, but I was still in shock, meaning that I was wide open. "Whatever. Let's just get this over." I could hear the man in black say, as he fired his gun, and the man crawling up in the ceiling threw his knives at me.

"Move!" Exclaimed Sir Nighteye, as he pushed me out of the way. The two of us fell, and just then, as we were going to get up, there was a new feeling. It wasn't anything like what the man in black did, but it actually felt worse. A huge wave of nausea came over me, and while Sir Nighteye seemed capable of withstanding it a bit, I was already gagging out of how bad it was.

"Oh! Seems like my quirk is making effect. I wouldn't recommend you getting any closer to me anymore! Haha!" I felt like I was about to throw up, but what was worse, I felt like there was no way I could move in case any of them attacked, and as I looked up at them, I felt helpless to do anything.

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