The End Of The Festival-Y/N vs Katsuki and Y/N vs Shoto (CH.18)-Part 5

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Bakugo's Pov

We were done watching the copying bastard and the blades guy fighting, and everyone was cheering as if it was the best fight they had ever seen. 'Tch, what are they cheering for? In the end I will win.' They just continued rambling like little kids, until shitty hair came up to me. "Hey Bakugo! What did you thought of this fight? I think it was great!" I just groaned, rolled my eyes and said.

"Whatever, I don't get why you're all getting so excited about, in the end, I will win, no matter who goes against me."  Then dunce face came, and he chuckled.

"Well, I don't know about that, you're next going against Y/N, he seems to be very strong, I'm sure even you could lose!" I got really angry at this, and screamed at him.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BASTARD!!! I'M BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU, ESPECIALLY THAN THAT EXTRA OVER THERE!!!" Everyone else came, and started talking about how 'strong' was that copying bastard, I only got even more annoyed. 'I'm gonna crush that bastard, I will be the number one hero! And everyone will know it!'.

Y/N's Pov

Me and Togaru were walking to the infirmary to get patch up, both of us rejected the stretchers, I rejected it because I didn't felt like I needed it, as for Togaru, I think he did because he's too stubborn to use one, during our way there, we didn't stopped getting into each others head, well, to be fair it was Togaru, I just responded to anything he said to me, during our way there, we encountered with Itsuka. "Hey Itsuka!" I greeted, when she looked at us, her face went from a look of happiness, to one of shock pretty quickly, she then ran toward us and frantically said.

"Why are you two walking?! You're too injured! Where's the bots that should take you to the infirmary?!!!" It took some time to calm her, and reassure her that, even if we were in a pretty bad shape, we were okay enough to walk by ourselves. "Okay, but let's go to the infirmary, right now."

"Yeah, we're going exactly there now." Then she joined us in our walk, we just made some light conversation on the way there, once we arrived there, Recovery Girl greeted us, or at least she greeted Itsuka, for me and Togaru, she scolded us, and was pretty angry at us for not using the stretchers, and even Itsuka joined her.

"Anyways, lay down, and let me patch you up, before you two get worse!" She angrily said, Togaru was the first one to lay down, while I was trying to remember again the Regeneration quirk from Nomu. "Now Y/N, you have to lay down too." I was going too, but then I remembered the quirk and used it.

"Ahhh, much better." I said, feeling a lot better from the pain and wounds, all three of them had both confused and surprised looks on their faces, I wondered why for a bit, but I assumed they didn't know I had a regeneration quirk. "It's just that I copied a regeneration quirk, and it feels a lot better than before." They seemed to understand this, and Itsuka asked.

"Then why didn't you used it before?"

"Because if I don't have any reference of the quirk aura, the best I can do is trying to remember how it looks, it would take me longer, but with all the training I did before, I can remember it very well, it still takes time, but at least I can use it." I then left with Itsuka to the stands, while Togaru stayed, so RG could patch him, at first he didn't want to, but she was threatening enough to make him accept, I chuckled at this, but it somehow hurt in my stomach. "Oww, I guess I haven't fully healed yet." I said while grabbing my stomach, Itsuka just giggled, and helped me walk.

"Well, then let me help you." She grabbed my arm and placed it around her neck, it wasn't painful enough to not let me walk, but she was a lot of help, once we were up in the stands, everyone started praising me and celebrating for my victory, but since my stomach still hurt a bit I payed less attention than I normally did, and just sat and tried to heal the last part I had to, then the next battle came.

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