A Fight Without Honor (CH.90)

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Y/N's Pov

Right after Shitsuki declared that he wasn't going to follow his own rules, he immediately jumped at me with some pretty ill intentions, as if the previous ones weren't bad already. "GET BACK HERE ALREADY! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU IN THE SLIGHTEST!!!" He angrily exclaimed at me, right before gathering strength for a second, and then jumping right at me.

Up until now I was mostly able to fight him, but after he had that fit of rage, his moves changed entirely, making it very hard for me to follow up and counterattack. Fortunately enough, he was just attacking with anger and brute force, meaning that, while one of his attacks could be dangerous, they were easy to avoid. I could also predict them as well already, however, the problem was his speed.

Since he wasn't thinking in the slightest, he would almost never attack at the same pace twice. He would just come at me at full speed, and depending on how he landed from the previous attack, this would take him from a fraction of a second, to maybe two or three. Not to mention that he was still swinging his sword around like crazy. 'If this keeps going, not only will this place end up thrashed, but I'll take too long before I can get back to Eri.' I said to myself, as I also tried to think about something.

It was a tight schedule, but in the end, I could come up with something quick, or at the very least the beginnings of something. First things first, I had to get him out of the city. I had already seen the amount of destruction he had created in the initial area, and while taking him out of the city would probably bring some damage to unaffected areas, it would probably be minor compared to what would happen around here if I didn't do it.

I quickly brought up Auto inside me suit, and after he asked me what I needed, I told him to contact the police chief of the area. [Chief Keikan here. What seems to be the matter, Yu, right?] I heard him say, and after avoiding another of Shitsuki's attacks, I replied.

"Chief, I need to get this guy out of here. What's the fastest way to the outskirts of the city?" He told me to wait for a second, and while he went to get me an answer, I took the opportunity to at least get back at Shitsuki.

With all the training up until know, and specially with the new breathings I had learned, I had prepared a couple more hybrid breathings, so, as he got closer to me, instead of moving away, I defended myself.

Just as he was about to land on top of me, I took a deep breath, and said. "Hybrid Breathing – Water, Flame Breathing: Calmed Flames." Right then, with a speed so fast that my blade was imperceptible, I slashed right through his arms. Shitsuki winced a bit from the pain, as I had also used enough force to push him back a bit, however, I wasn't done just yet.

Calmed Flames – The user takes advantage of the incredible defense of the Water Breathing's final form to create an opening, then they quickly follow up with a bunch of slashes that draw their strength from the Flame Breathing's defensive form, Blooming Flame Undulation.

I flexed my legs just a tiny bit, then jumping at him. Right as I got closer to Shitsuki, I started swinging my blade around at the same speed as before. I was slowly going back to my regular pace though, as keeping such speeds for a prolonged period of time was hard, even for me, but it didn't matter. I already had him trapped in my attack.

The only way in which he could stop from finishing him off already was by sending as many blades as he could from out of his body. None of them would even got to graze me before being cut away, but they did stop my blade from making full contact with him, hindering their effectiveness.

With this seconds that I had won, the Police Chief got me the answers I needed, a he told me by the intercom. [Yu! We have a route for you. From right where you are, head to the Northeast. There's about on mile and a half of buildings in that direction, but there's close to no residential areas. It's also been pretty much evacuated entirely by now, so there's no high risk. Furthermore, I've already called for some back up and told them to meet you there.] I thanked the chief, and then thought of a way to get through.

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