A Second Showdown (CH.85)

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Izuku's Pov

Now that everyone was finally gathered at Illum's general hospital, and after Sir Nighteye gave them a briefing on today's mission, he went ahead to work on Eri's transference paperwork, which was a relief. Not only to me, but for Y/N as well. Ever since yesterday I could notice how angry he was with himself for not realizing the danger Eri was in just for staying at Illum city, but in just a couple of minutes, he would feel better, or so I thought.

We were just waiting around for Sir Nighteye, but Y/N suddenly brought out his teleporting quirk and then left to somewhere else, which was baffling to say the least. Not only was Y/N someone who would never bail on a mission like that, but it was also one regarding the safe keeping of his possible future daughter, as he had said.

The only reasonable explanation that I could find to this was that there was an even bigger emergency going on. Something so gruesome that only he could help, and honestly, thinking that something like that made me shiver a bit, as it reminded me to All For One.

I wanted to know what was happening, just to be sure that everything would be alright, so I approached, K, Y/N's instructor, and then asked. "Excuse me, Sir. K?" He then turned to look at me, and after a moment of thinking, he asked to me.

"You're Deku, right? U.A Class 1-A?" I nodded at this, so he continued with. "Yeah, I remember you from the Sports Festival. I've gotta say, you have guts. Anyway, what do you need?" I was initially surprised, and honestly a bit embarrassed as well, that he praised me for my performance at the Sports Festival, since not many people had done that, and someone so important doing so was even more amazing, but I quickly snapped back to reality and asked.

"I-I was just wondering, where did Y/N- I mean, Yu went? This mission is very important, and I can't imagine a reason as to why would he just leave like that." Hearing me say this, K seemed to remember something, and so he said.

"Right. Come with me." This confused me a bit, but I hoped that he would explain everything if I did as he said. K then walked towards the center of the room, and then exclaimed. "Everyone! Gather around!" His sudden screaming seemed to catch everyone off guard, and while at first it was even more confusing for me, it was easy to assume that he would explain Y/N leaving to everyone, as he was a key part of today's plane, meaning that everyone would have to act differently as well.

Despite being confused by this, all the heroes walked closer to K, so he started speaking. "As you all know, the hero in training Yu is the central part of today's operation, since he's in charge of taking Eri to a better hospital, however, due to an emergency on Fukuoka city, he had to leave momentarily." Just hearing this seemed to shock everyone, and I could even hear quite some whispering going around, and by the few glimpses I caught, not everyone was please with Y/N's decision, and even labeled him as irresponsible.

It initially bothered me, since they didn't know Y/N's reasoning behind leaving, which had to be very good if he was willing to leave Eri alone today of all days. However, I then remembered Y/N, and how he surely let himself be annoyed by something as trivial as this, so I tried to follow hiss example and not mind this comments.

As for K, he quickly shrugged all of this off and kept talking. "Yu said that he shouldn't take long before coming back, but until then, we have to take care of everything. There shouldn't be a reason for anyone to attack this place during his absence, but it's better not to take risks. Everyone, prepare for a fight." It was actually easy to see that some of the heroes here weren't all that please, but I could also see those that didn't even question the situation and just prepared to defend Eri, like Kirishima, who may have been just a tad bit too excited.

Either way, now that everyone had at least an idea of what was going on, K started preparing all of us for a fight. Telling us where to stand and maybe what to expect, but just before he designated someone to go take care of Eri, I stepped forth and said. "Mr. K. I would like to volunteer to take care of Eri, as well as Le Million. Both of us already know Eri, and while we may not be as effective as Yu, we can keep her at ease if anything bad happens." K didn't even seem to question this, as he told us to go ahead, and even before I got to say anything, Mirio already said.

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