Special Move Showcase (CH.64)

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Y/N's Pov

The six of us gathered around a bit, so all of them could show me what they had worked on, and the first one to go was Tetsutetsu. "Alright! So, I don't think you can notice at first glance, but I managed to increase the duration of my quirk." He explained, as he also activated his own quirk, and it was true, there was no real indicator that there was even a change, but just his aura told me enough, but I still wanted to do a test.

I walked a bit closer to him, and as I copied a couple quirks, I asked. "Then, would you mind if I try something out?" To which he replied.

"Not at all! I want to show you what I'm truly capable off!" And so, we walked a bit away for a little test. "Well, if you want to know, this technique works thanks to your breathing lessons. I take in a deep breath, and then hold it in for as long as I can, which allows me to keep my transformation for the same amount of time." He explained.

I nodded at his explanation, signaling that I was ready to attack, and so, he prepared as well. Tetsutetsu took a very deep breath, as he also activated his quirk, and nodded at me, signaling that he was ready.

Since this was a test, I first took it lightly. I activated my Demon-Given talent, and at first threw lighter punches at him that I knew he could only resist with his quirk, but nothing out of this world. Seeing that he didn't have any trouble with this, I put more effort into them, making a clear clashing sound with every impact. He wasn't trouble with this as well, so I took it even further, and used punches that would normally knock him out, even with his quirk. These were forcing him to step back little by little, but he could certainly hold on for a while more, so I finally took it to the extreme. Assuming that he at least had a couple seconds left, I retrieved back, and got into crouch position. This seemed to weird him out a little, but before he even had time to think about this, I dashed forward at him and struck him in the face with my fist. I only had his and Eijiro's quirks activated, but it still packed quite the punch with my Demon Given talent.

"Y/NN!!!" Exclaimed Itsuka after I punched him, making me snap back, and notice what I did.

"Oh, sorry, must've over done it." I said to her as a little apology, but as I turned to look at Tetsutetsu, I continued with. "Don't worry though. He's fine." This confused her a bit, but looking at the pillar of concreted in which Tetsutetsu had impacted, once the dust went away, it could be seen that he was mostly alright. There was some clear damage, and even a bit of blood, but his quirk was still activated.

Tetsutetsu then coughed a bit, getting the dust out of him, and then said. "W-Wow...Man. You're r-really...*Ugh*...Strong. Hehe." He hardly said, as he slowly got up, and so I went to help him.

I grabbed one of his arms, and then placed it around my neck. "I've gotta say, I'm amazed as well. I didn't think someone could stay standing after a hit like that." I said to him, and by the time we got back with the rest, he said.

"W-Well, to be honest, I barely did. If you would've thrown any other punch after that, well *Hehe* I wouldn't be able to withstand it." And as I took out his arm from my neck, and released him, he had to lean on a wall due to the pain.

This got me worried, so I asked. "You don't want me to heal you?" But he refused, and insisted that he was fine. Most of us didn't believe this, but we didn't want to argue with him, so as long as nothing else happened, we would let him be.

Following next was pony, who was really excited, and pretty much like Tetsutetsu, got in position for a demonstration. I didn't know we were going to continue with this, but I didn't complain and just followed her.

She first got set in and started breathing appropriately. Once she was prepared, she first instructed. "Well, first off, I need you to dodge my horns, is that alright?" It was a weird request, but it gave me a slight idea of what she might have in store.

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