The Rematch-Y/N vs Togaru (CH.17)-Part 4

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Y/N's Pov

Before going back to the stands, me and Itsuka went to get some food from the stalls that were selling some, we looked around them, and after some time of deciding and searching around, we picked some, but in the way back, Itsuka still seemed a bit annoyed, I just tried to make a little talk with her, to  light her mood "So what do you think of this snack Itsuka? I think it tastes good." At least, now she wasn't pouting, which meant that she was getting in a better mood.

"It doesn't taste bad, but it isn't that great." She said, with a bit of an annoyed look, I just chuckled at this, and said.

"Really? Well, I guess that when most tastes are dull, anything that tastes different is pretty good!" I had a smile on my face, and she had a shocked look.

"So you haven't taste almost anything?!" She asked.

"Not really, my quirk also affected my sense of taste, it isn't as much as bad as what happened to my emotions, but sometimes I do get bored about eating things that basically taste the same."

"Well, we could go out again, and search for places where they have food that you haven't tried." She had a little blush on her face, and now she didn't looked as annoyed as before, I liked that and said.

"See, that's the smile I like!" Now her blush covered all her face, and she was really embarrassed, after that, we made our way back to the stands, in time for Shoto's and Izuku's fight.

"AND NOW, AFTER THAT INTENSE FIRST ROUND, WE WILL HAVE EVEN GREATER MATCHES IN THE SECOND ROUND, AND FOR OUR START, WE HAVE THE FIRST TWO WINNERS OF THE FIRST ROUND, SHOTO TODOROKI AND IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!" Both of them stood at the ring, giving challenging looks to each other, both of them seemed particularly angry, I didn't knew why, but whatever it was, it seemed serious "NOW, BEGIN!!!" Shoto shot an iceberg to Izuku, before it arrived, Izuku let out an immense wind stream that blew it up, I then copied Hatsume's quirk to get a better look of the field, and I could notice that Izuku's finger was really harmed 'One down in this match, two in the previous one, that leaves him with seven more attacks before he starts over damaging his hands' Then Shoto send a second attack, which Izuku deflected in the same way as before, then Eijirou got up with us.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Kirishima! That was a great fight! Too sad you couldn't win tough." Said Ashido.

"Yeah, but the other guy did it great, it was such a great fight!" I was just focusing on the match, so I didn't payed attention, but when they asked me something, I answered "Hey Y/N! You go against the one I fought, right? Just warning you, he's very strong and manly! You better watch out!"

"Yeah, Togaru is a tough one, he's determined, and a bit aggressive, I'm sure he won't be easy to take down." I said with serious face "But I know, I will enjoy our match!" I now had a grin on my face, and was enjoying all the thrill that this brought to me, but I noticed that some of them had surprised looks, and I didn't understand why. "What's the matter?" I asked, then they seemed to snap back to reality.

"I-It's nothing, just that, since we met you, you've always been pretty emotionless, even in fights, you never showed any emotion, aside from when you were with Kendo, so it's just surprising that now this excites you." Explained Ochako. Thinking of it, it surprised me a bit as well, I never expected to be excited by a fight.

"Yeah, I guess this school did changed me." They chuckled a bit at this, but I just pondered the thought a little bit more, when I got my attention back to the match, Izuku had his right hand almost destroyed and with no fingers left to use, then Shoto jumped over him, Izuku quickly backed up and got away, when Shoto landed, he made more ice, and directed it towards Izuku, the ice managed to climb on his leg, and was now making its way on him, Izuku freed himself by hitting the ice with his full arm, now both of his arms were really harmed, and he didn't had any way of attacking without harming himself that much, I could hardly hear anything they said between them, but I could tell that they were speaking, then Shoto threw some ice towards Izuku, with his hands harmed like this, it seemed as is if he wasn't gonna be capable of defending, but in the end he actually reused on of the fingers in his right hand, after that, they seemed to argue a bit again, and I heard Izuku scream.

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