Going to the Camp (CH.40)

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Itsuka's Pov

Me and Y/N continued with our walk back to the hotel, and during the entire way, I didn't let his arm escape from me, which he didn't complained about, so I assumed that it was completely fine with him.

By the time we got to our room, it was already getting quite late, it was around 21:00, but both us weren't sleepy yet, so as we always did when this happened, we popped on a movie to watch, but first, both of us changed into something more comfortable, I got my PJs out of my bag and went to the bathroom, while Y/N changed in the room. Once I got out, he was also ready, and even had the blanket out for both of us, but that was also when something came to my mind. "Hey Y/NN, when did you started sleeping in the corners? It's not that I don't like it, but I just got curious." He seemed a bit surprised by my question, and then said.

"Hmm, when did I started?" While getting deep into thought. He took some seconds to think of this, and then said. "Oh right! I actually started back when I used to work too much at a desk, at first I would have a regular routine, waking up, preparing myself, and then going to work, however, due to my lack of emotions, I got quite obsessed with my time efficiency, so I first got my desk to my own room, which allowed me to start working as soon as I woke up, but I still wanted to cut some time, so I started sleeping just besides my desk, that way, by just standing up and moving a bit to the side, I would be in place to work, however, since that lifestyle was of course not healthy at all, I changed it, actually, things like that are one of the few things that my body can't handle, so I started separating my job from my rest, and also started training, but I never got rid of the habit of sleeping in corners, I don't know why, but one night, I just tried sleeping back on my bed, and something just felt off, so I continued on the corner." I nodded at him, with some surprise, I was glad that he could get rid of that bad habit by himself, and wanted to request something else.

"Do you mind if we give it a try?" He got again surprised by this, but then changed his expression to a happy one, and with a kiss to my forehead said.

"Of course!" He then took the extra blanket and got it back in the closet, while I hopped inside the bed and got myself comfortable. When he got back, and inside with me, I laid on his chest and snuggled up with him, he chuckled at this, then he snuggled with my head, this made me tickle and got a giggle from myself. Now he grabbed the remote and we started looking through our options, until we settled on some random movie.

For the first time since we started doing this, I felt that I would be able to see the full movie, I would normally fall asleep at around half of it, but this time, we were at 3/4 of the movie and I was only a bit sleepy, so I was certain that I could get to the end, however, the movie wasn't that interesting, and there was something else that I wanted to try. 

I then fakely yawned, laid on his chest and closed my eyes, but after some seconds of nothing happening, I got desperate and tried thinking of what was left, when after some seconds, an idea came to my mind. Perhaps I snore when I sleep, so I tried with some soft snores, and it seemed to work because just after some moments, Y/N turned off the T.V and completely covered us with the blanket, but he still didn't do what I was aiming for, which got me a bit annoyed, but fortunately, he finally did it, he finally gave me a kiss on my forehead. It wasn't the first time he did that, but I wanted to know if he did it every time I fell asleep with him. I was suspicious already, and now I could confirm it, so I hummed with happiness, and cuddle a bit more with him, when he said. "Even if you fake them, your sweet snores are the cutest thing ever." I was shocked at him knowing that I faked them, but didn't said anything and just went on to sleep.

Timeskip to the Morning

Y/N's Pov

When I started waking up, I stretched a bit and rubbed my eyes, afterwards,  I looked at my phone to see the hour, and noticed that it was getting quite late already. "Hey Itsu, I think we should wake up already." I said, while shaking her a little bit, however, she didn't want to, so she grunted out.

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