The First Day At The Camp (CH.42)

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Y/N's Pov

The last thing I remember was blacking out infront of Itsuka, so I don't know how I ended up sleeping somewhere, but whatever it was, I felt really comfortable. I couldn't help snuggling up with a soft spot, that I assumed was my pillow, and continued sleeping.

After a little while, I felt fully rested, and had no more reason to be sleeping. So, I got up and stretched a bit. As I started looking around, I realized that, not only was I sleeping on a couch, but also that I had no idea of where I was. I tried looking for anything that could tell me where I was, in fact, I was so concentrated, that I didn't even noticed Itsuka being just right back me, not until she did a noise to call me. "Ehem."

"Oh, hey Itsu!" I exclaimed, to then ask. "Do you know where are we?"

"Y-Yeah, we're at the c-camp. You fell a-asleep after fighting through the woods for some hours." However, she seemed to be embarrassed by something, since she was squeezing her hands near her chest and had a blush across her face. This worried me, so I asked.

"Hey, Itsu, is everything alright? Did I do anything wrong?" She seemed to get more embarrassed, and even look away from me, which worried me a bit.


Itsuka's Pov

I was carrying Y/N after he fell asleep, and taking him to somewhere he could rest. It felt nice, seeing him asleep made him appear kinda cute, and it reminded me of the first day we met, since that time he carried me when I fell asleep infront of him.

I was trying to find a place suitable for him, since I didn't wanted him to sleep just in a corner. And as I started considering asking Mandalay, I felt a pressure on my chest. It wasn't strong, and didn't even hurt, but it was making me feel embarrassed. I looked down, and realized that Y/N was snuggling on me.

I wanted to tell him to stop, but remembering that I did something fairly similar the time I feel asleep, I decided to let him do so for a while, and just hurry up when trying to find him something to sleep on.

I quickly rushed around, and fortunately, I found what seemed to be a common room, with some couches. I then tried leaving him on one of them, but when I was about to release him, I noticed that he had gotten a strong grip around me. I tried waking him up, but everytime I told him that, he snuggled more onto my chest, and it only got more embarrassing.

The more time it took me, the more comfortable that he got on my chest, which only made everything worse. I could already feel his breath go all the way up to my neck, and I still couldn't find a way to make him free me, also, he was starting to feel quite heavy. I tried some more, but in the end, just decided to sit myself, and perhaps I could lay him down finally.

When I sat on the couch, I felt his grip loosen up, which made me hope that he would set me free. I was able to lay him on the couch, and I stopped feeling embarrassed. He was now resting his head on my lap, but I was sure that I would be able to move him without waking him up, but just as I tried to move him, I realized that he hadn't loosened up his grip, he just moved it from place. However, this really didn't bothered me, he was just resting on my lap, and I didn't found anything wrong with that. I no longer had reasons to be really embarrassed, and he seemed so peaceful, so I didn't mind it.

We stayed like that for some minutes, when some of my classmates passed through the room, including Tokage. "Hey Prez, we were called for lunch, are you coming?" I stiffened a bit due to embarrassment, and said.

"Maybe in a while." And I was hoping she wouldn't ask anything else, but she instead came towards me, while asking.

"Why? Aren't you hungry?" I tried thinking of an excuse to stop her, but I couldn't formulated it on time, so once she arrived, she said. "Oh! I see you're quite 'busy' right now." I wanted to say something, but nothing came to my mind and I kept stumbling with my own words, this made her chuckle, and say. "Don't worry, Kendo, it's alright, and besides, you shouldn't move too much, he seems to be enjoying it, and you don't want to interrupt him, do you?" And then left with a smug grin plastered across her face. As she left, I couldn't do anything, but try to cover my embarrassment with my hands. Once I was sure I was alone, I peeked through the space in between my fingers, and looked at how peaceful and relaxed Y/N seemed. I scoffed a bit at these, and thought. 'I hope you're enjoying this.' And then started stroking his hair with my hand.

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