Shopping Spree (CH.112)

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Itsuka's Pov

After Tokage suggested her idea, I honestly felt my face blush intensely. By this point it was something I thought wouldn't happen again, since I was already used to mine and Y/N's relationship, and at most would get a bit embarrassed here and there, but hearing about us as a family, including Eri of course, made me feel even more jittery, since it made me feel like some sort of his wife, even though it was still going to be a while before we started considering it seriously.

As for Y/N, he seemed to think about it for a few seconds, as he then said. "If it's okay with you, Itsu, I wouldn't mind at all. I really like the idea!" It was a bit annoying to see him not have to struggle with my problems at all, but at the same time it was very funny, so it managed to get me out of my embarrassment, and think about it properly.

It took me a bit, and to be honest, even then, I wasn't sure if it was the best idea, so I said. "I would like it, but I'm not sure about you getting me another dress, Y/NN. I feel like you've already bought me enough gifts, and I know how expensive this dresses can be." He seemed understanding about this, but didn't seem to mind it all that much either, as he said to me.

"I know I've been giving you a lot of things, but it's only because I love you, Itsu, and to be honest, that's one of the best ways I know how to show it." This didn't convince me all that much, but he still continued with. "I'm already better at showing it in other ways, but I still like to do it like this every now and then, so how about it?" And then looked at me with something similar to puppy eyes.

Honestly, the only thing I could do was let out a sigh, and then said. "Alright then." Which he seemed very happy about it, however, I finished with. "But only because it's for Eri this time, and you have to promise me that it'll be the last expensive gift, okay?" To which he immediately said that it was okay, though I didn't really believed.

Whatever was going on between the two of us didn't appear to be important for her, as she just got closer to us, wrapped her arms around our necks and said. "Wonderful! Let's get right into it!" As she then turned to look at one of the staff members and said. "Excuse me, could we get this two outfits that match the little girl's one?" And then handed us to the staff members, who said that they would get to work immediately.

We were then pulled into different areas of the store, as they took me to the woman's area, while taking Y/N to the men's area, and then leaving Eri and the others in the children's area. At first, it was somewhat concerning, since I didn't like to leave Eri alone like that, but hopefully, all of our friends would be able to calm her down. She wasn't used to them, and they could definitely be too loud for her, but I was hoping that they would know to behave around her, and I trusted that at least Pony and Awase would help the others stay calm. Now that I think about it, maybe even Kamakiri would help with that, since it's something hard to notice, but he's actually pretty calm and collected, and only gets loud when it comes to sparring with Y/N.

I didn't have much time to think about all of this though, as I quickly arrived at the women's area, pulled by a few staff members. Once we got there, they immediately got to work, as they took out multiple samples, and started making questions about what I would like for my dress, and honestly, I wasn't ready for them.

They immediately started asking things, like what material I wanted the dress to be made of, offering me things like fine silk, the comfiest of cotton, among others. It took me a while, but I was able to answer them, but before I could relax, they immediately started asking about the pattern and what kind of design I wanted. Luckily, they weren't going to ask much about the color, since Tokage had already told them to make it match with Eri's dress, but still.

I was starting to feel very overwhelmed, but luckily, some of the staff members took notice of it, and not only did they decide to tone the questions down a bit, but also started making some light chat with me, helping with my nerves.

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