The Apology Party (CH.38)

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Itsuka's Pov

We all talked about the camp for a while and thought about what to expect from it, something we were certain about, was the fact that we were going to train a lot, knowing Vald sensei, he could be quite intense during our workout routines, and according to what Y/N had told me about Aizawa sensei, he didn't liked wasting any time, but we also wanted to think about what would we do during our free time, they were all really excited about doing challenges with our classmates, watching fireworks, and eating things like curry, and even if all that sounded really fun to do, there was something else I wanted to do as well. I wanted to see if there was a bit of time to set aside, and watch the stars with Y/N, it may be a bit cheesy, but it was something that seemed nice to do, and I wanted to give it a try, however, I didn't said it out loud, it was already too embarrassing without telling anyone, so I only wanted to say it to Y/N.

We continued talking for sometime, but everyone started wondering about the rest of the expo. They all wanted to go out and see the rest of the things, even I wanted to see more, but I still didn't wanted to leave Y/N's side, so I stayed, while they started leaving.

Once I was alone, I looked around my phone, just to pass the time, when I noticed that Y/N started waking up. "Hey Y/NN, how are you feeling?" I asked, before he answered, he stretched for a bit, and said.

"Yeah, I'm good." Looking at him, it was surprising to see in what good state he was, despite how bad he felt just 1 or 2 hours ago, he seemed to be completely good now.

"Wow, you do sure recover fast." While I said this, he continued stretching, and fully waking himself up, so once he was finished, he said.

"Yep. My body has endured too many hardships during my training, so it quickly adapted, and made me more resistant, both to illnesses and injuries." He had a smile across his face, but I couldn't help but pout. If I was fully honest, I kinda envied that ability of him, but just a little, what really annoyed me, was the fact that I wouldn't have many opportunities to take care of him, while he would surely help me a lot when I'm injured. Since I stared at him for too long, he took notice of it, and asked. "Hey, Itsu? Is something wrong?" I continued looking at him for a couple seconds, but then shrugged it off, and with a smile, said.

"It's nothing." Then I sat by his side on the bed, and finished with. "I'm just glad that you're feeling alright." While giving him a peck on his cheek, to which he hummed in delight. I chuckled a bit at his reaction, and we started chatting, I gave him a quick summary of what I talked with his classmates, but there wasn't anything really important to say, so after some minutes a nurse came to check on Y/N, and was surprised to see that he had fully recovered, she then made a quick check up on him, to see if he was ready to leave, and fortunately, he was.

Since he didn't had anything on him, we quickly left and went towards the hotel, once we arrived, we continued talking, until a notification popped on his phone, when he looked at it, he seemed a bit surprised, so I asked. "What is it?" He looked at it for some more seconds, and then said.

"I was just notified that, since yesterday's party was interrupted, they're redoing it today." I was a bit surprised to hear that, but I liked the idea, he asked me if I wanted to go, and I of course said yes, so he started thinking about what to wear, I still had my dress, I only needed to iron it a bit, so I didn't had a problem, but Y/N's suit had been greatly damaged during his fight.

"And what if you use your costume, it can take multiple shapes, can't it? You can just model it into something that you can wear there!" I exclaimed, he thought of it for a bit, and said.

"Well, it is a good idea, but the problem is that, my costume can't change of color, it's stuck with black and purple colors, so I will need to think of a new design." I nodded at this, and we spent quite some time thinking, I asked him from where had he gotten the idea for his first suit, since maybe he could get a new one from there, he then showed me the data pad where he stored his breathing techniques, and scrolled to a section that I hadn't seen, it was surprising to see that kind of information on a book like these, but Y/N told me that most of the book was written like a personal diary from the author, and that he had taken out the breathing things, and got them into their own section, so once that was understood, we started looking through any ideas there there, we read some descriptions, but nothing that had the correct colors, until we found one description, it didn't said as much as the others, it even said that the author didn't met this person, and was only told about it, there wasn't any more other than that, but fortunately, it had an explanation of what he wore, and it fitted Y/N's needs, so he picked it.

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