The End (CH.100)

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Y/N's Pov

After landing with Overhaul, I turned to look all around me slightly, so I could get a solid idea of our current situation. Obviously though, Overhaul didn't give me that much chance to do so, as he exclaimed. "Don't think you have even the slightest chance of defeating!!!" And while I initially expected him to use his regular quirk to send spikes towards me, he instead started punching in my direction, but this punches weren't nothing like I expected.

The speed within each punch was simply unreasonable, and it would've been impossible for something of that size to attack as quickly as that, however, I was already suspecting this due to a weird detail in his quirk, and now I had confirmation. "You disgust me." I said after seeing how he used his partners' quirks without a care, while also doing my best to bare the immense amount of punches that he kept throwing at me.

I did whatever I could to redirect them with my psycho energy quirk, but I knew perfectly that if I wanted to get completely out of there, I had to answer back. Looking closely, I could tell that there were no real openings from this side, since his punches were serving as both attack and extreme offense, however, this left the rest of his body open.

I didn't have much time, so instead of going for anything fancy or overly sneaky, I sent the energy that I had gathered so far high into the air. After a couple of seconds, when I felt like it was at a high enough altitude, I liberated as much of that energy as I could towards Overhaul's head.

I don't think he took notice quickly enough, so my ray landed right on him, seemingly piercing though a bit of his body, and leaving me the perfect window of time to jump away. It took him a couple of seconds, but Overhaul was still pretty quick on healing his body, however, by that point, I was already far enough.

Now that I knew that he could actually use all of the quirks that he had stored in his body, I knew that I had to be 10 times more careful. The first thing I worried about was staying at a far enough distance, so instead of going for physical punches, I went with a different approach.

I currently had three different quirks 'loaded' in, Psycho Energy, Energy Manipulation, and since I hadn't got rid of it as of yet, I still had Shogaraki's quirk active, and while it didn't seem to be as convenient as the other two, I was certain that I could use it for a couple of things.

The first thing I did was turn to look at the closest tree and immediately got an idea. I then planted my hand on the floor and directed the decay towards all the trees' roots around me, loosening it from the floor. Next after that, I used my psycho energy to pull them out of the ground, aimed them directly at Overhaul, and sent them flying with as much strength as I possibly could towards the most vulnerable places I could.

Overhaul tried to fend of some of them, mainly pushing them away with his hand and trying to create a barrier with the ground, but this wasn't enough to cover my entire area of attack, as a couple trees made their way through, or so I thought, because after taking a closer look, I actually realized that he had raised some sort of green wall from one his hands.

It was pretty hard to know all of the quirks he had acquired from his body merge, since the auras were all over the place and became incredibly hard to read, but what frustrated me more, was the fact that I did notice a couple details that pointed towards a barrier quirk, but since it wasn't guaranteed to be one, I felt like it was worth a try. "Hehe, I didn't it would be useful because it's too small for my body, but looks even I can get a use of Tengai's quirk." The smugness in his tone of voice was more than clear, making me feel even more annoyed, but it wasn't like I could waste time on that, as I immediately had to move out of the way in order to keep attacking.

Right as I jumped though, I noticed that Overhaul tried to jump in my direction, so I sent a pulse of energy to keep him in place, and while it was extremely hard to do so for a long time, I was certain that I would be able to of keeping him in place for maybe 3 seconds.

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