Finishing The Exam (CH.33)-Part 3

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3rd Person Pov

In Control Room

Almost all the class was looking at Y/N, and they were all excited, and amazed at the same time, because of how he easily defeated the teachers that gave them so much trouble, Uraraka was surprised on how he managed to erase No.13's quirk, and even if he didn't admitted it, Aoyama was amazed as well, or Tsuyu and Tokoyami, who were really impressed by his capability of handling that much numbers, however, there were also those who couldn't help but compare themselves, and that didn't left them in a really good position, like Ashido and Kaminari, they were mainly annoyed, on how he managed to get out of all the wreckage so easily, or even worse, Kirishima and Sato, who were quite embarrassed, because Y/N's performance against Cementoss made their own look even worse, but right now, everyone was rooting for him, he only had one last teacher to defeat, and he would pass his "Boss Rush", however, the last one, is always the strongest one.

Back with Y/N

Last Match: All Might

Time Left - 8:30

Y/N's Pov

I had been announced, and I quickly started searching for All Might, this arena was focused on a main road at the middle of the city that lead directly to the entrance, so I assumed that All Might was at the other side, I started thinking on how to approach this situation, the best plan of action would be to ambush him, but in order for me to prevent any damage to the arena, I also had to contain him quickly, which was something tricky to deal with, up until, none of the teachers had destructive quirks, but All Might has one of the most destructive quirks that I have ever seen, so I was certain that I wouldn't be able of containing it, I struggled to think of what to do, when I got an idea, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to do it, but I had to try.

I then got to the side of the road, and started running towards All Might with Toru's quirk, so he couldn't see me, when I got near, he seemed to be waiting for me, but he also lost all his patience at that moment, because I heard him say. "WELL, IF HE DOESN'T COME OUT, THEN I SHOULD FORCE HIM." And raised his fist, he was preparing to unleash an incredibly powerful punch, and if it was like the one he used against Deku and Katsuki, then it would create an immense damage, so I quickly runned infront of him, and surprisingly, he didn't noticed me and continued with his punch. "DETROIT SMASH!" As he threw the punch, I successfully stopped it with the Shock Absorption of the U.S.J Nomu, while also revealing myself, All Might seemed surprised at first, but he quickly catched up and said. "THERE YOU ARE, I'M SURPRISED YOU MANAGED TO STOP MY ATTACK, BUT LET'S SEE HOW MUCH YOU CAN KEEP THIS UP, HERO." And then he started throwing a barrage of attacks, thanks to the shock absorption, they didn't damage me, but it was hard to keep up with the speed to stop them, until one of them escaped me, fortunately, it went upwards, not damaging anything, but it made me certain that I wouldn't be able to contain him here, so I proceeded with my plan, I quickly copied the teleporting quirk, and just before revealing it, I froze him with the hypnosis quirk, he would quickly break from it, but it gave me enough time to engulf him with my portal, then I took us both to Midnight's arena, I had decided this one because it was really desolated, there weren't any buildings that could be damage, not even animals, so it was the perfect spot to fight someone as devastating as All Might, and he praised it. "HUH? YOU TOOK ME TO A WHOLE NEW PLACE SO I COULDN'T CREATE THAT MUCH DAMAGE, CLEVER, BUT THAT ALSO MEANS, THAT I WON'T HAVE ANY REASON TO RESTRAIN MYSELF." He had a really villainous face right now, but he wasn't the only one that could fight without limitations.

With 1-A

The intensity of the match got the entire class extremely hyped up, when both of the participants suddenly disappeared of the arena, this got everyone confused and asking questions like. "Where are they?" They also started looking through all the monitors, to see if they could locate them, until Shoji found them on one monitor that was at the corner. "There!" He exclaimed, when RG located the monitor that Shoji had pointed, she displayed it at the main one, so everyone could see.

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