A Bank Robbery (CH.111)

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Y/N's Pov

After leaving Eri with Itsuka, I started walking towards all the commotion, while also checking my phone for a bit, to remember some quirks, but as I made my way there, Togaru stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder and pulling me back slightly. "Slow down there! I know you're strong, Y/N, but we still have to think this thoroughly. We can't just go around lunging ourselves at situations like this just because we have our provisional licenses." He said to me , however, I already had planned this through, so I moved his away from my shoulder, and then said.

"Don't worry. I have a plan." And then, without another word, I walked up to the bank, prepared to subdue all the criminals as quickly as possible. He, as well as all the others, still looked quite nervous about what I was doing, but I was still very confident, so I simply marched forward.

As I got to the bank's doors, I carefully opened them to make as little sound as possible, and then made my way inside. Fortunately, the criminals themselves were making enough noise to cover my enter, so I carefully moved forward, and after making sure that all of them were gathered in one room, I got to work.

"Everyone surrender now, and I'll go easy on you!" I exclaimed for the criminals, who immediately turned to look at me, firing their quirks almost instantly, however, I was ready for this, as I had already erased them with Aizawa sensei's quirk, confusing them and leaving them with no idea of what to do, so I said. "I told you." And then, I used something I had been thinking for a while now. "Quirk Set: Restriction."

Quirk Sets: As the name suggests, this are a determined set of quirks that Y/N keeps storage together. This is with the objective of being able to remember them more easily, by grouping them all together depending on their possible applications, rather than having to think about all of them individually.

Restriction: This quirk set is centered around the objective of quickly trapping and restraining a number of criminals at once, with minimal damage to the environment. It works better on close areas though, and with the objectives either confused or previously injured, to make the capture process easier.

The first quirk I used was Ibara's vine hair, which spread around the room in an instant, and after the entire place was covered in vines, I pulled them all together, trapping two of the five criminals that I spotted, and getting the other three tangled.

By this time, those three were able to catch up with what was going on, however, they still weren't able to use their quirks, so they instead tried to reach out for something on their belts, which I could only assume were guns, so I went ahead and used my second quirk.

With help of Cementoss sensei's quirk, I swiped one of my feet across the floor, sending a blob of cement at one of them far to my left, burying him and rendering him useless. As for the other two, I was too slow to trap them before they got their guns out, but it wasn't a problem.

Just when the first one went ahead and shoot at me, I raised my hand and stopped the bullet with Shoto's right side quirk, then, as the bullet came to a stop, I went onward, and shoot a wave of ice at him, freezing that criminal in place as well.

Now it was only a matter of getting the last one under control as well, however, as I turned to look at her, I noticed that she was actually the most dangerous one of the bunch, since instead of a measly handgun, she had a shotgun, and had already pulled the trigger.

Truthfully though, I had enough time to move away, and at least not get hit by all the bullets fired by the shotgun, but I didn't do so, since there were too many people around me, and they could easily get injured if I didn't do something. With this in mind, I instead used Cementoss quirk once more, and with a quick squat, I pushed all the civilians close to me towards the walls, while also letting all pretty much all the bullets hit me.

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