Rushing Through The Exam (CH.32)-Part 2

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Y/N's Pov

When I made sure that No.13 was fine, I quickly moved to the next arena, Principal Nezu was the one in charge of this one, so it was gonna be a bit tricky, when I arrived, I was immediately announced, so I started moving, while thinking of what to do. 'It's impossible for the Principal to overpower me with physical strength, as soon as I get close enough to him, this battle will be over, so instead he will focus on planning a good strategy, I have to find him before that.'  I then stopped, and focused, if I concentrate I can increase the range of my detection, I quickly found him, it was rather easy, since he was the only other aura, then when I got up, I realized that there was some rubble falling over me, I quickly drifted away and got away from the danger, when I realized that, due to that falling rubble, some tubes broke, and it went on, this made me realize that Principal Nezu wanted to create a chain reaction, so I copied Psyko Energy and stopped everything from moving, and then carefully placed in the floor, everytime I wanted to ran towards the Principal, he would start a new chain reaction, and force me to stop and fix everything, after some time, I managed to get to an elevated position, I also had to be careful in where I stepped, because he also made some places weaker, and they would fall if I stepped on them, but from my new position I saw that he was moving everything from an industrial claw, at almost the other side of the arena, so I started making my way towards there, I had to stop every once in awhile, but I was making progress.

After some minutes I was close, in fact, I could even hear Principal Nezu cackling, when he noticed how close I was, he grabbed more rubble and threw it at me, while cackling even harder, this time I jumped from where I was directly towards all the rubble and screamed. "Flame Breathing, Total Concentration - Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!" When my sword made contact, it instantly broke everything and sent the rubble in multiple directions, I then used Katsuki's quirk to impulse myself into the biggest piece, and used it as a platform to continue. "First Form: Unknowing Fire!" This time I broke the wire that grabbed the claw, and quickly held onto the part that still hanged from the top, I did this so I could climb to the top and get to the Principal, but as soon as I did, he started moving everything in a really erratic manner, I had to grab onto the railing to stop myself from falling, and slowly made my way there.

Fifth Form: Flame Tiger - The user unleashes a powerful series of sword slashes that seemingly takes the form of a rampaging tiger engulfed in flames that charges towards the enemy at blinding speeds.

When I got to the cabin, I could hear Nezu chuckle and say. "Oh, you got through all that? Well then, no point in fighting you anymore, not like I really could anyways." *Chuckle* I was already panting, without fighting directly, he had managed to tire me out, which I gotta respect, so I placed him the cuffs, sucked in all my tiredness, and went for the next teacher.

Fourth Match Completion Time - 10:34

Time left - 30:43

Fifth Match: Present Mic

As soon as I was announced I tried to get on the move, but just after arriving I could already hear Present Mic scream. "OH, SO YOU ALREADY ARRIVED!!!" I had activated some sound nullifiers on my suit just when I arrived, but his screams were way louder than I had anticipated, so they didn't really helped, but now I had his location, so I tried to run directly towards him, but he screamed constantly, which really slowed me down, even with all my efforts, it still took me quite some time to arrive, but when I had him on my line of sight, I felt a great relief, I could finally stop that incessant screaming of his, however, he noticed me. "WOW! DIDN'T EXPECT TO SEE YOU HERE SO SOON! IT WOULD NORMALLY TAKE YOU MORE TIME, BUT ANYWAYS, THIS IS WHAT I CAME FOR!!!" And then he started screeching, up until now, the screams were really annoying, but now, they made me furious, it almost felt personal, so I focused all that rage into my next attack, just to shut down that stupid sound.

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