Finding The Hero Killer (CH.24)-Part 3

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Kendo's Pov

After Y/N left, I went back to sleep since it was still pretty early, I thought I would be worried or something like that, but I didn't, instead I slept tightly and calm, as if Y/N was still with me, after around two hours of sleeping I had to wake up for my internship,  so I got up from my bed, went to change into my hero costume and got out for breakfast before going with Uwabami, when I was leaving my room, I encountered with Yaoyorozu  also leaving her room, which was the next to mine, when we faced each other she greeted me. "Good morning Kendo, how was your night?" She asked, I smiled and answered.

"Pretty good, and you?"

"I had a good night, thanks for asking." She replied, and then she asked something else. "Hey, are you heading for breakfast?" I nodded at this, to which she said. "Great! Let's go together." And we both went off to the cafeteria, during the way there we chatted a bit between us, mainly about what we thought of the internship so far, I was a bit surprised to hear that, despite her initial attitude, she was also quite disappointed with it, but it made sense, after sometime of walking and talking, she asked me about last night. "Kendo, last night I heard you talking with someone, I'm assuming that was Y/N." I got surprised that she had heard us last night, however, it made sense, we weren't too cautios with that.

"Yeah, he called me to check on me, or as he said it 'check on his girl'." I said with a bit of embarrassment, while rubbing the back of my neck, but Yaoyorozu couldn't hold her excitement and started laughing, not too hard, but also not being really subtle, I just chuckled a bit along with her, and could also feel a little blush on my face, when she calmed down I continued with. "Yeah, I thought something like that when he said it."

"Well, he seems to deeply care about you." She said, I then felt my blush get way bigger, to which she giggled, and then she asked. "By the way, how is he?" I gave a deep breath to get out of my embarrassment, and answered.

"He says he's fine, but I'm a bit worried, because he told me that he was tasked to find The Hero Killer." Hearing these, she gasped and had an scared face, looking at her I chuckled nervously. "That was pretty similar to my reaction, when he told me that, I froze, thinking at what risk he could face, was just...frightening, when I continued talking with him, I tried to tell how I felt about it, but it was hard, as soon as I started talking I couldn't hold my tears from fear, this seemed to freak him out and he quickly tried to calm me down, it helped a bit, but not enough, so after some more trying he said that he had an idea, then he cut the call, at first it surprised me, but I just waited for him to do something, soon enough he used a teleporting quirk to come to my room, and comfort me." Now her face, instead of having an scared expression, she seemed moved by this and even let out an 'Awww.', I giggled at her reaction and then continued with. "Yeah, when he came he was really sweet with me, and took good care of me, he even stayed the night with me, so I wouldn't feel worried or scared while I slept, he had to leave early, but it was sweet of him nevertheless." I had actually started daydreaming of him, and placed my hands on my chest, almost as if I his warmth was still with me.

"Sounds like you got a good boyfriend for yourself." She said, I was well aware of what she had said, but despite that, I didn't feel embarrassed, even if she had deduced that from just what I  told her, all I felt was happiness of remembering how he made me feel, I did felt a little blush on my cheeks, but it was one of happiness.

"Yeah, I did, he's the best." I said, with a closed eye smile, when I reopened my eyes, I could see that Yaoyorozu seemed surprised, but she quickly seemed to shrug it off, and then she said.

"So he's indeed your boyfriend." I nodded slowly. "I'm really glad for you two then, I hope you can be happy together." I was happy to hear that from her, it made me certain that she was a great friend, and someone to trust.

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