Collapse (CH.95)

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Izuku's Pov

After finally coming in contact with Mirio, and taking Eri back into our custody, there was only one thing left to deal with, Overhaul. As I quickly started fighting with him, I was surprised to see that he was pretty much unscathed from his previous with Mirio, and from the amount of time that went by, there was no way he wouldn't end up with at least some bruises. I tried to shrug off this though, but after just a little bit, I actually found my answer.

Right when I went for a powerful kick, loaded with 20% of my One For All, I managed to create a light shockwave, and even though he had moved out of the way, the impact was strong enough to push the debris around, injuring Overhaul. I was satisfied with this, but when I turned to look at him, I realized that he was healing himself with his own quirk.

This was troublesome, so I went ahead to try and get him before he could fully heal himself, but it was useless. Right when I was about to land my next kick, he once again moved out of the way with such swiftness that it rivaled with Mirio's technique, making me aware that I couldn't underestimate him. "Strong, but predictable. You won't be nearly as troublesome as that other one." I heard him say, before he finally entered what seemed to be his own fighting stance, and counterattacked for the first time.

I was already expecting his attack, but things still didn't turn out as I expected. For starters, Overhaul's attack came on the form of multiple spikes firing from the floor, aiming right at me, which was expected, but what I didn't really predict was the speed at which they would come, so I had a hard time fighting them off, and on top of that, I suddenly heard Nighteye screaming from behind me. "Watch out!" And as I turned around to look, I realized that a second wave was coming right at me.

The amount of information I had to process suddenly became too much for me, so I decided to retreat for the moment. I went as close to the ground as possible, avoiding all the spikes, and once I was in position, jumped as high as I could through the smallest gap in between the spikes I could find. This turned out okay, as I managed to escape, but I was also slightly injured though my whole body. Nothing too bad, just multiple cuts, but it was a bit painful.

Once I got to the ceiling though, I didn't leave things like that. I quickly found Overhaul in between all that mess, and with one powerful kick, I not only propelled myself back with the rest of the team, but also sent a wave of air pressure that, assuming for the fact that he hadn't found me yet, I was pretty certain that it would land right on him.

Back with the other ones, once I landed, Uraraka was the first one to approach me, while asking. "Deku, are you okay?" And after managing to catch my breath, I replied.

"Yeah, but we'll need a plan if we want to defeat Overhaul." They all nodded in agreement, so I started thinking. It had barely been five seconds though, when Sir Nighteye came forward and said.

"Everyone, I have something to tell." We were all surprised by this, so we turned to look at him, and he started explaining. "In about five minutes, this whole place is going to fall down." We were all quite shocked by this, and I was especially taken back once I remembered that we were below an entire hospital, meaning that if anything happened down here, then everyone above would suffer the consequences as well.

We all asked Sir Nighteye to explain himself, and that's when he said. "I already know what Deku's plan is, and in all honesty, I don't have anything against it. It's our best bet if we want to get out of here, but it involves taking this whole place. If that happens, we could all be in danger." It was harsh listening to this, but I instantly came up with a condition that needed to be fulfilled before even considering this.

"What about all the patients, doctors, and other people above?" And Sir Nighteye was quick to answer this question.

"I'm not entirely sure, but seeing as K and I implemented the most rigorous evacuation measures, in case anything happened, they should all be out by now." This was slightly reassuring, but I still couldn't decide, so I asked the rest what they thought about it.

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