Back Home (CH.107)

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Y/N's Pov

Honestly, after hearing that Izuku had asked Ochako out on a date, I was more than surprised. I mean, I did assume that there was something going on between the two of them, as they clearly enjoyed each other's company very much, but I didn't think anything would happen for a while, and hearing that he had asked her out was amazing.

It took me a moment to really process what he said, but once I did, I said. "Wow, that's amazing! I'm happy for the two of you." Something that seemed to make him a bit more embarrassed, as he thanked me for this, so I finished with. "And yeah, we would be thrilled to go with you two." He chuckled at this, and then said.

"Thanks. And if you don't mind, would you be willing to give me some advice regarding this d-date?" I got curious as to what he meant by this, so I waited for him to speak, and so, he continued with. "You see, this is really my first time doing anything like this, so I'm extremely lost, and I was hoping you could help me out, seeing as you've been going out with Kendo for a while already." Now I understood what he meant, so I laughed a bit, and then said to him.

"Of course I can help, but don't worry about it too much. If I'm honest, I also didn't know how to do any of this stuff when I first asked Itsuka out, and everything turned out just fine." He thanked me for this, and then we both turned to look at the time, realizing that it was just about time for us to leave. "Well, I guess we can discuss the details later." I said to him, and while walking out of the room, Izuku said.

"Of course. See you later, Y/N." And with that, he left the room. Now that he was gone though, Eri started making quite a bit of questions, as it was clear that our whole exchange was quite confusing for her. I did try to answer all of them as best as I could, but overall, it was something hard to do, as most of them were things she couldn't understand from how young she was, so I left most of them at 'You'll learn once you get older', and while she didn't like this kind of answer, she let it go, and we got prepared to leave.

It wasn't hard or anything, as I just had to put on my uniform, which Aizawa sensei brought for me, and put Eri on some better clothes, since she was still wearing a plain hospital gown. Luckily, Itsuka thought about this, and bought her some clothes on her way here. They were only like three shirts and two pairs of pants, but we could get her a full wardrobe some other day, when Eri was feeling better and could also pick some clothes she liked by herself.

While I helped Eri get into her clothes, she started getting confused about what we were doing, so she asked me. "What's happening Daddy?" To which I replied.

"We're going home, Eri." Now she got even more confused, which was to be expected, but at the same time, I could see that she was very expectant for what I had to say, so, with a light chuckle, I continued explaining. "You see. I'm about to be discharged from the hospital, I'm healthy again, and since I'm you legal host, I can finally take you with me." Now she seemed to catch up with what I was saying, and her eyes only grew bigger and bigger, as they got filled with wonder, so I finished with. "You'll finally leave the hospital and come live with me and your mom. Are you excited?" And now she just exploded with excitement, as she lunged at me to wrap me in a hug while exclaiming.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm very excited! I love you, Dad!" This made me let out a chuckle, but I quickly returned the hug, and as I wrapped my arms around her as tightly as I could, I also said to her.

"I love you too, sweetie. And don't worry, I'll always protect you from now on." After that, the two of us stayed like that for a few minutes, simply enjoying each other's embrace, until I patted her back and said. "Alright then. It's still a while before we leave, so how about some lunch? Are you hungry?" She quickly nodded at this, right before her tummy rumbled, making the two of us chuckle, as I picked up the tablet and used it to order some food for us.

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