Getting Back Up (CH.53)

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Itsuka's Pov

It had been God knows how long since I blacked out, when I finally managed to wake up. "Ugh, my head." I groaned in pain due to the ache in my head, when I heard someone call my name.

"ITSUKA!!!" My first assumption was that it was Y/N, but just by hearing how the voice called me I knew that it wasn't him. Ever since we gave each other our nicknames he had never stopped using it, so it had to be someone else. I looked up from my spot, to try and distinguish who it was, but before I could do that, I felt two set of arms wrap around me.

"OH! Honey! We were so worried about you!" Looking better, I could see that they were my parents.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked with trying to catch up to everything that was happening.

"You're finally back! We almost thought we lost you!" Now I could understand what was happening, and returned the embrace to them, while saying.

"Mom! Dad! I'm happy to see you!" And at that moment I felt that my throat hurt a bit, and seeing that I complained about this, Dad said.

"Right! The doctor said that your throat would be sore, and that you should drink some water." And then gave me some bottled water. I gladly accepted it, and almost immediately drank it entirely. Now I know how Y/N felt after the U.S.J incident.

"Thanks, I needed that." I said, and now both of them seemed to have calm down. Then, before I could say anything else, one little guy jumped onto my bed. "Ha-ha, Yorii! How's my little guy?" I asked to this cute little cat, who only gave me a 'Meow' in response.

I started petting him, and he purred in return to this, but looking around, there was something bugging me. "Hey, where's Y/NN?" He was the person that I wanted to see the must, besides my parents, but he was nowhere to be seen. At least having Yoriichi here meant that he had to be around here, and I didn't want to get any wrong ideas, he probably was in the bathroom, but looking at my parents, they seemed uncomfortable with the question.

"Well, he said there was something important he had to attend to, and we haven't heard from him since then, but he shouldn't take too much time!" I was glad to hear this and assumed that it probably was related to the school, but that's when I heard the T.V yell.

[Wait! Isn't that the hero in training Yu? The one who stopped the Hero Killer!] Both of my parents looked mortified, like if they didn't want me to watch that, but now they couldn't take my attention away from it, and I paid close attention to it.

Just by looking at it, I was extremely confused, but terrified at the same time. I don't know what happened, but the whole landscape of an area of at least 750 meters had been completely wiped out, and at the middle of all that destruction, floating above all, there was a single, but menacing, figure of a man. Around him, a big number of Pro heroes were fighting him, as well as Y/N.

I tried to calm myself with this. Maybe he had been called by K. Maybe it was alright. If the other Pros were fighting alongside him then all of this must've been planned out, or at least that's what I thought, until the man let out a shockwave that sent everyone flying around, and Y/N specifically, was sent directly to some rubble on the floor, getting impaled on his chest, and letting out a lot of blood.


All Might's Pov

After all my partners had made their hardest efforts to stop All For One, he simply shot them around like if they were nothing, and I was apparently the only one left. "You know, I knew none of those attacks would be able to kill you! Of course not, I want you to die in the grossest, and most agonizing way possible!" Exclaimed All For One, as his left arm started mutating and getting bigger, revealing a combination of quirks like I had never seen before. "And that's why, just for you, I prepared the strongest combination of quirks possible! Say goodbye! All Might!" And then charged at me.

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