Officially At U.A (CH.108)

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Y/N's Pov

After presenting Eri to Yoriichi, the two of them spend quite some time playing with each other. Eri was more than amazed to see her first cat in her life, and Yorii seemed to really enjoy passing time with someone that was closer to his height, however, this all came to an end for the time being when Eri couldn't hold it together anymore, and despite how hard she tried not to, she ended up falling asleep with Yoriichi on her lap.

Seeing this, I found it really funny, and after a quick chuckle to myself, I placed Yorii back in his bed, picked up Eri, and took out our own bed. Once I had decided to take her in, I immediately prepared some new configurations for my room, and one of them was a better setting for living, as it now included a bed, since I didn't want her to just sleep in the floor like me, she deserved better than that, and some other furniture for her, like a little desk, so she could maybe draw and color, as well as study once I started making her do so, since I don't think she knew how to read and write yet.

Either way, once the bed was out, I laid Eri down, and turn the lights off. It took me a bit to properly tuck her in, but once she was perfectly placed, and she was hugging her cat plush as tightly as she could, I felt accomplished.

I was starting to feel a bit tired honestly, so I went ahead to check the hour, and realized that it was around 9:30 pm. Honestly, this felt a bit early for me, as I would usually go to sleep at a later hour, sometimes I directly wouldn't sleep, since I felt like I had too much to do, however, for tonight, I figured that there was no problem with going to sleep early, specially seeing as Eri was here, and she definitely needed me close for her first night here.

With that in mind, I got in the sheets as well with her, and after cuddling for a bit with her, I was able to easily fall asleep. As I got close to her, Eri immediately shuffled around in her sleep to get close to me, and after humming in delight, we finally fell asleep.

Honestly, it was extremely hard for me to track the time, so once I woke up, I was a bit worried that I had overslept, however, as I fully opened my eyes and made myself aware of my surroundings, I noticed that the sun wasn't really out yet, and after a quick glance at my clock, I realized that it was around 5:30 in the morning. To me this seemed perfect timing, as this gave me enough time to prepare for the day, as well as Eri, but it also, and most importantly, it gave me enough time to go talk with Principal Nezu about how to deal with Eri and what to do when I go to school.

Obviously he I had already told him in advance yesterday during the questioning we had before being allowed to come to the dorms, but that was more me giving him a heads up, rather than having any real discussion about what to do going forward.

Whatever was the case, I first had to get ready, and see what else was going to come to my day, seeing as I did miss a lot of things from school due to my internship. The first step was getting out of Eri's hold, which was pretty easy to be honest, especially when compared to Itsuka, however, what made it hard was seeing her slight face of discomfort once I got away from her, but I was simply able to get her plushie closer to her, and as she hugged it tightly, she seemed to relax once more.

Now that I was out, I quickly moved on. The first thing was for me to get washed and ready for the day. I picked my clothes and took a quick shower, after what, I went to sit on my desk, and went over as much of the class notes that Aizawa sensei gave me as I could. They were honestly pretty complete, which was to be expected from someone like him, but it was still impressive.

Most of the stuff seemed pretty regular though, so while I still had some work to do regarding the class material, I now at least had an idea of what they had seen so far, and so, I felt like I would be able to easily catch up with it.

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