The Beggining (CH.101)

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Y/N's Pov

After engulfing Overhaul in a pillar of fire for a second time, I held it in place for a while, making sure that there would be simply no way in which he would be able of getting back up again. I probably held it for just a bit under than a minute, after what, I turned the pillar off to see if he was done already.

I took a couple of steps to get a clear view of the crater I had created with fire, and I could see him in the middle of it all, burnt to the crisp, still in his big form, but too injured to even try to do anything. Though, just to be sure, and because I didn't feel like he had suffered enough, I decided to light up the pillar once more. Much smaller and for less time, but still.

Now that that was done, and I was certain there was no way in hell he would get up, I said. "Alright. *Huff* This was exhausting. Let's get you out of here." And then got closer to try to take each of his bodies apart, and maybe heal him enough so he could be taken to jail, however, as I got closer to him, I could feel a certain unease grow inside me, and it ended up exploding just as I was going to touch him.

At that moment, I felt as if a glimpse of Eri suddenly entered my mind, and it reminded me of everything she had to go through thanks to this Monster. This sudden thought stopped me from helping him in any sort of way, and so, I retrieved my hand, and thought about what to do.

I of course didn't want him to escape, in the off chance that he even made it out alive, but just to be safe, I knew that I had to pin him to the ground. I then kneeled down, and with a touch to the floor, I created a bunch of spikes impaling him at multiple spots, like hands and knees, but most importantly, one big one in the middle of his chest. I didn't even care if it pierced an organ, not like I know where they are now, and as I started to walk away, I said. "I don't care whether you live or die, but if you still breath by the time I come back, you better still be here. Otherwise, I'll make you wish you had died here." And with that, I simply turned away to go back to the city.

I was about to jump up with help of my psycho energy, however, at that same moment, I felt my entire body suddenly weigh a ton, as I feel to the ground, and my mind became extremely dizzy. 'C'mon, just a bit more...I still need to see Eri.' I said to myself, and with one last push, I got myself back up, and after some deep breaths to regain my footing, I was ready to go.

I didn't have a need to get back there as quickly as possible, so I didn't focus on speed, but rather on making my way back easy. I first used one big pulse of energy to get myself of the ground, but as I started falling, I instead focused on slowing down my descent as much as possible. With this method, I managed to get back to the city in just three jumps, but it took me a couple of minutes.

Once I was back though, I could see that everything was weirdly silent. I assumed that it was because the authorities were having a hard time getting to the area of the fight, since the roads were probably blocked. Either way, I simply made my way back to the where I had first encountered everyone to see if they were still there.

I didn't take my long of course, especially since I could feel their quirks from a far. By the time I got there though, things didn't look good. For some reason, they were all gathered around Izuku, who was simply laying on the ground. I didn't really understand what was going on, but seeing as I needed to catch my breath before than anything, I decided to first ask to Tsuyu, as she was standing a bit to the side.

While I stretched a bit, just to get the sore feeling of my shoulders, I asked. "Hey, Froppy, what's the matter?" However, as she turned to look at me, I could see the nervousness and fear on her eyes. I could understand why was that, since I know that someone not waking up after a fight is probably the scariest thing in the world, I know that first hand, but I still felt like something was off.

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