A Quick Phone Call (CH.23)-Part 2

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Kendo's Pov

I had arrived to Uwabami's agency, and curiously I met Yaoyorozu there, who had also been nominated by her, right now, Uwabami was explaining us how does the hero system works, and especially how they're paid. "And they also allow us to have secondary works, I heard that some heroes had some trouble back when it was all defined by official matters, but nowadays, you can get a big boost depending on your social acceptance, and see how much does people appreciate you! And for that purpose, I have a commercial to film right now! In the meantime you can get to know each other." I was a bit disappointed in how this went, because I was actually expecting something more heroic to happen, and not this.

"Miss Uwabami, I actually wanted to get, you know...a more heroic experience?" I said, but then Yaoyorozu said.

"NO!!! This is a path that we can't ignore if we want to become Pros! And she also selected me for my qualities, I must prove myself worthy in every aspect!!!" I sighed, remembering how Y/N warned me about this, and I said.

"I'm not sure if Y/NN would agree with you on that, *Sigh* I should have listen to him." I was a bit embarrassed to admit that he was right, but looking back at Yaoyorozu, she had a little grin on her face, and I wasn't sure why, so I asked. "What's the matter, Yaoyorozu?" Now she gave a little giggle, which only managed to confuse even me more.

"Well, it's just that I don't know if I misheard, but I'm pretty sure I heard you call him 'Y/NN', instead of Y/N." I immediately felt my face be covered with a blush, I wasn't paying too much attention to what I was saying, so I didn't realized that I had used his nickname until she pointed it out, so I tried to cover my embarrassment.

"W-Well, i-it's just t-that we've been f-f-friends for some t-time, and w-we just gave e-each other c-cute n-n-nicknames." I said, in hope that it would fulfill her curiosity, but she had more to say.

"Oh, so he gave you one too, what is it?" She asked, with a bit of excitement, I now was pretty embarrassed, and didn't really knew what to do, so I just continued talking.

"He just calls me Itsu." I whispered, but since I did it so low, Yaoyorozu couldn't hear me, and then she insisted with a 'Hmmm?', so I repeated louder. "He just calls me I-Itsu!" I had said it quite loud, so there were some people staring at us, I tried to hide my blush by looking down and tried to face another side, and fortunately, after sometime everyone stopped paying attention to us and went on with their business, then I heard Yaoyorozu giggle, so I looked up to her, and she said.

"Well, I'm glad for both of you, but if you don't feel ready to talk about it right now, it's fine." I sighed in relief, and said.

"Thanks." Then we just got to know each other a bit more, she got me to talk more about Y/N, but since she didn't pried too much into it, I didn't got too embarrassed, and liked talking about him.

Back with Y/N at the Lions Hero Club

"The Hero Killer?" I asked, I can't say that I was shocked, according to the location it made sense that I had to locate him, but it was quite surprising that K was assigning me with this task.

"Yes, we have analyzed our intel, and it shows a high probability of him being here, I want you to locate him and report him, you will have all our intel and equipment at your disposal, furthermore, I'll grant you the permit to use your quirk and hero suit outside of here, whenever you're not training you can either look through the information to locate him, or go out of the gym and try to find him." I nodded, and realized how busy I was going to be this internship, I knew that had to give it my all during this week, but this was more than I had expected. "But I have to warn you not to engage in combat, unless it's completely necessary, you might be strong, but we don't exactly know how dangerous he can be."

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