Knowing The Kendo's (CH.56)

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Itsuka's Pov

Now that everything at my house was done, and both teachers had left, my parents gave us permission to leave for a while, to compensate for our interrupted plans, but told us to get back early.

As we walked away from my house, not really having a destination in mind, I teased Y/N for a bit. "So, are you really willing to do anything for me?" He was a bit surprised by my sudden question, but just laughed lightly at it, and then said.

"But of course, Itsu." And after giving me a warm smile, he finished with. "There's nothing important for me than your safety, and this time, I swear on my life that I will protect you." I was happy to hear him say this, but I also wanted him to know that I also had his back.

"Okay, thanks." I said. "But don't forget that I'm also here for you." While wrapping my arms around one of his. "I know this might not mean that much coming from me, but I still want to help you. You're really important to me as well." Hearing this, he freed his arm from mines and then placed it around me, and as he rubbed my shoulder with his hand, he said.

"Don't be like that, Itsu. I really appreciate your support, and I'm glad to know that you feel that way for me." And as he left a peck on my head, he continued with. "I love you." I caressed his hand, and after a while of enjoying his company, I said.

"Thanks...I love you too." While feeling a small blush forming on my face.

After that, we headed towards anywhere we wanted, and that wasn't much to be honest. We spent some time at the mall, but between the fact that it isn't my favorite activity to do, and that Y/N always insists on buying me stuff, we quickly left.

Next we went to eat something. Not much, just some sushi from the area, however, this time, just like we had promised last time, we divided the account into 75/25, in which I paid the most. Y/N was about to convince me to let him pay the biggest part, but I remembered him what he said last time, and he couldn't say anything against it.

By the time we walked out of the restaurant it was starting to get dark. We didn't have to go back just yet, but we had less than an hour before we had to do so. With that in mind, we tried remembering if there was anything we wanted or had to do, but we came out blank.

Seeing as we didn't have any more options left, we settled for just wandering around for a while, and waited for time to pass by itself.

At some point, we passed infront of an arcade which caught a bit of my attention. I looked at the time to see how much we had left, and seeing that we had a bit over forty minutes, I said. "Hey, Y/NN. Let's check that place." While pointing at the arcade.

Y/N first gave a look at the place and after a couple of seconds said. "Okay, let's see what it its." And so, we went in.

The place wasn't really what I expected. I thought it would be exploding with loud music and light effects, but it actually gave a more calmed vibe. It was like an actual arcade place, with multiple games, a food stand and even a prize corner, but it had the vibe of an older establishment, probably like the ones in the 80's, with just a few neon lights, and with background music that wasn't drilling into your ears, but was loud enough to be easily heard.

I actually liked the entire gimmick of the place, and I was happy that this probably was Y/N's first impression of an Arcade. I didn't want to startle him with a bunch of loud noises. "Well, let's see what we can play!" I exclaimed, and then dragged Y/N all the way to the games.

After getting some tokens to play, and before getting to the videogames, we first to some other machines they had. The first one was a roulette, in which we weren't that lucky. Next there was a little basketball hoop, where I tried to impress Y/N for a bit.

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