Spending Time Together (CH.30)

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Y/N's Pov

We were just done with studying, and everyone was gathering their things, when Itsuka called us and said. "Let's Rock This Exam!" While raising her fist, then the rest followed her, by raising their own fists, I found this a bit funny, but either way, I raised mine as well, and we all screamed. 'YEAH!!!' At the same time.

Now everyone was ready and started leaving, so we gave our goodbyes, while waving at each other outside my door, at some moment Setsuna moved Itsuka to the side and told her something that made her blush, I don't know what it was, but it was funny to see her like that, when everyone were gone, and it was just me and Itsuka, I turned to her and asked. "Do you want me to take you home?" But she seemed a bit nervous, yet a bit happy as well, and then said.

"Actually, I got permission to stay, so I was wondering..." I got an idea of what she was saying, and even before she finished, I already had a smile on my face, which seemed to make her blush, so she faced away, and while she moved a strand of hair behind her ear, she finished. "...If you would want me to stay here?" I approached her, and while I closed the door, I said.

"I would love that." She giggled a bit at this, and I could only admire how delightful that sound was, it was so calming and beautiful, then I wrapped my arms around her, and she placed hers around my neck, looking into each other's eyes, I could only think of our kiss from before, and how we were interrupted, and she seemed to do as well, because she started getting close to me, but slowly, I chuckled a bit at this, and quickly closed the gap, this kiss in particular, felt incredible, all of them were great, but this time I felt that I could almost not control myself, I normally stopped the kisses relatively quick, so I wouldn't be too rude, but this time I couldn't stop myself, and extended it for more time, when we finished, and looked into each other, she said with a lovely tone.

"How can you be so gentle while kissing?" I took some seconds to answer, and when I did, I also started getting closer to her.

"That's because I always try to be careful with you, so I just express the feelings I have for you through them, but right now, I can't help but make them longer than usual." And followed by this, I gave her another one, that was pretty long, and we moved almost as if we were dancing, even if there wasn't any music playing, then once we separated, I asked. "Anything you want me to change?" She seemed to think of this for some moments, even making an 'hmmm', but then she said.

"No, they're perfect, just how they are." I smiled at this, and placed my forehead on hers, and then she said. "But perhaps you could make them a bit longer every once in a while."

"Your wish is my command." She chuckled a this, and it almost seemed as if she was actually laughing, which also got to me, and made me say. "What? You don't believe me?" And then I grabbed her by her waist, and lifted her up, while also spinning her in the air, now she was really laughing, and once I placed her down, she said in between her laughs.

"Haha, no it's not that, it's just that, I'm really starting to doubt you know, it's hard to actually believe that no one's telling you what to tell."

"Well, it's just that you make it feel so natural." I then wrapped one of my hands behind her back, while I grabbed one of hers with the other one, and now we were like if we actually were dancing, so I instructed Auto to play something, and we finally started, we were kinda clumsy, but it was really fun, and I finished with."Which only means, that I really love you." And kissed her once again, we stayed there for quite a while, dancing and embracing each other. 

We only stopped at around 20:00 because Itsuka started feeling a bit hungry, I tried to see if I had any food, but aside from the fruits that I have, almost everything was some eating supplements that were developed in an associated company, they were perfect for training, they had all the nutrients that the body needs, but according to the developer, they didn't really had a flavor, and due to this, they weren't meant to be eaten alone, but since it didn't mattered to me, I never saw it as a problem, however, it was very probable that Itsuka wouldn't like them, so instead we went out and tried to find somewhere or something to eat.

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