The Beginning of the U.A Sports Festival (CH.14)-Part 1

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Y/N's Pov

The day after I went out with Itsuka was pretty normal, just working out, eating, and sleeping, really nothing special, up until now I really didn't care about that, but now I did felt what being bored was, so I could only wait for Monday to arrive.

Timeskip to Class 1-A

I was just walking to U.A with Itsuka, since I found her on the train station and we just went on together, I still couldn't get myself to tell her how I felt, fortunately we didn't talked about it and we just talked about random things, then when we got to our classrooms we just say our goodbyes, and parted ways "See you later Itsuka!"

"Bye Y/N!" I entered the classroom, at first everyone seemed calm and just went on with their business, so I walked towards my seat, once there I was greeted by Izuku.

"Hello Y/N, how you feeling since Friday?" This took the attention from some of our classmates, but I didn't cared.

"Great! Actually this was the be-" I was suddenly cut off by Mineta, who screamed and got the attention of the entire class.

"Y/N IS BACK!!!" When everyone seemed to catch up with this, they all immediately surrounded me and started either cheering for me and for what I did at the U.S.J, or asked questions about my well being.

"Man! What you did at the U.S.J was so manly!!!"


"You were so cool back there!"

Everyone just continued rambling, I wouldn't be surprised if even Itsuka and 1-B could hear all this noise, I knew they wouldn't just keep quiet, so I tried to ignore them as much as I could, I'm pretty sure they would have continued with their rambling, if it hadn't been for two people, first it was Katsuki, who got angry very quickly and yelled "AGHHH, JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!!" This stopped everyone from rambling about me, but just because now they were focused on Katsuki.

"I think you're just jealous that Y/N defeated that thing at the U.S.J and is getting praised by that, while you didn't do anything!"At least now they weren't crowding me and I had more space.

"WHAT WAS THAT BASTARD?! I DIDN'T NEEDED HIS HELP, I COULD'VE DONE IT COMPLETELY BY MYSELF!!!"And the other person, who definitely stopped all the ruckus, was Aizawa sensei, who was completely covered by bandages from his waist up. 

"Everyone, shut up so we can start with the class" The way he talked scared all of us, even with all the bandages across his body, everyone did as said, and immediately went to sit "Well, now that we are all here again, let's talk about your next challenge" Everyone stayed there expectant about what Aizawa sensei would tell us "As you remember, we took care of the villains at the U.S.J, however the battle isn't over" He said, with really cold tone of voice, now everyone tensed up and seemed to be scared, some of them even let out some stutters that made them be even more scared.

"M-More v-v-villains?"

"D-Do w-we have to d-do that?"

I myself didn't thought we would fight more villains, because their appearance at the U.S.J wasn't planned, and I was right "The U.A Sports Festival is coming" When that was said everyone calmed down, and I swear I heard a collective thought that said 'Right, this is a normal school' I wondered what that was for some seconds, until Aizawa sensei continued "For the next two weeks we will take out the less important classes and mainly focus on training, as you know, our sports festival is the biggest event here in Japan, and if you stand out enough, you might get into the agency of a high rank hero, and I can assure you, that will give you a huge advantage for your future" After this we continued with our normal classes, however, everyone seemed extremely hyped up, and they completely showed it in the recess.

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