Practical Exam (CH.2)

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Y/N's Pov

I quickly finished with the written exam, and now I only had to wait for the practical exam.

After some minutes we were all called to the main hall, and so, I went inside. I walked towards where my number assigned me, so I ended up sitting besides a tall blue haired guy, not like I mind him at all.

Once all of us sat down, Present Mic, who seemed to be one of the teachers here, started explaining the rules and what kind of exam this would be. I was simply paying attention to what he was saying, when he mentioned some types of robots that we would fight, when suddenly, the guy besides me got up and exclaimed. "SIR! Here in this pamphlet that you gave us, it says that there's four robots, but you said that there's only three! So, if this is an error, then U.A should be ashamed about it." I was about to tell him that he should finish reading the pamphlet, since it explained his doubt, but before I could do so, he turned around. "AND YOU!" He exclaimed, while pointing at Izuku. "You should take this seriously. Your mumbles are distracting those around you!"

Now that he had finished talking, I poked his shoulder, and once he turned to look at me, I said. "Hey, for starters, I think it's rude to talk to someone like that, maybe he's just trying to concentrate on his own way, and by doing this, you're distracting even more people." Just this made him seem a bit embarrassed, and I finished with. "And by the way, it says here that the fourth robot is only a zero pointer, and also suggests ignoring it."

Now he looked extremely embarrassed, and started doing a 90-degree bow, while also exclaiming. "I'm very sorry, Sir!!!" To which Present Mic said.

"It's alright, dear listener. Now, as you partner just said, there's in fact, a fourth robot, but it doesn't give you any points, so it's more of an obstacle, and it's advised to just avoid it." The instructions continued normally, and once they were finished, we were all sent to our own areas.

While I waited for the test to begin, I warmed up a bit, when I realized that Izuku and that blue haired guy started messing with each other again, but since it didn't seem too serious, I just shrugged it off.

I was doing my final stretches when Present Mic screamed through the intercom. [GO!!!] This got me confused, but seeing that the doors had also opened, I assumed that we were supposed to start with the test, so I sprinted inside to fight some robots.

I had destroyed around four robots, when I heard Present Mic speak again. [What are you doing?! In life you don't get count downs!! Follow that kid!!!" And then I noticed the rest of the contestants enter the arena with me.

I didn't pay too much attention to this, and just continued fighting the robots with a quirk I had copied a while back, called Metahuman.

Metahuman: This quirk grants the user superhuman abilities, making them about four times stronger in every aspect, strength, speed, etc.

I mainly focused on destroying the robots that I found, but I also made sure of helping out people when they seemed in danger. At some point, I went to help a blonde guy with an explosion quirk, but after I destroyed a 2 pointer that was about to attack him from the back, he got extremely angry, saying that the robot was in 'the right position'. I was shocked by his reaction, not like I expected him to thank me, but I didn't think that he would be this angry, but I just shrugged it off.

I continued doing my work, fighting enough robots to get points, and helping whoever needed it, but just as I destroyed a 1 pointer, the floor started rumbling, and from below it, a giant 0 Pointer emerged. The sight was a bit intimidating, but I quickly decided to make a run for it, since there was no point in fighting that thing, but as I tried to make my way away from it, I realized that Izuku had fell to the floor, so I went to help him, when I suddenly noticed someone who needed even more help, the brunette girl who had helped him. Izuku seemed to notice her as well, and as I sprinted towards her to help, I felt that Izuku did the same.

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