The Studying Session (CH.29)

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Y/N's Pov

Some time passed, and everything went normal, just going to class and having a quick detour with Itsuka around once a week, until around one week before the exams. "I HAVEN'T STUDY AT ALL!!!" Screamed Denki. "With the Sports Festival and the Internships I didn't had time to study!" Everyone had started stressing out due to the exams, like Denki and Mina, who were the two lowest scores from the midterm tests, and the most scared out of all of us, there were also some who were a bit nervous, but not as much as them, like Fumikage or Rikido, and also those whose confidence was higher than it should be, and of course that was Mineta, who was extremely confident, despite just being in the ninth place, but I just shrugged this off, and finally, there were some whose confidence was good, but they still seemed a bit nervous, like Midoriya, but he was mainly excited, along with Tenya and a bit Shoto, I myself didn't paid too much attention, I had gotten the first place in the midterms, so I wasn't nervous, actually I had a tie with Momo, because we both got a 100, but since I finished the exam first, I got the first spot.

However, the ones that were too nervous asked for aid, and Momo offered it. "Hey you two, I could be willing to help you with the things read in class, however, with the practical part, not so much..." She seemed a bit discouraged when saying the last part, but when some of them asked for her help, she lit up again, so it was all fine and I stopped paying attention, surprisingly enough, Fumikage approached me, and asked.

"Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you could probably help me with something?" I was surprised to be asked help, but since I didn't felt totally qualified, I said.

"Sure, but I don't think I'm that good at teaching others, so I think it would be better if you asked  Momo for help." He thought of this for a short time, and finally complied and went to talk with Momo, I would be really pleased to help him, but every time I study, I do it with the aid of a quirk similar to Principal Nezu's quirk, so I didn't felt confident with helping him.

Now everyone who had a low grade started asking for help, and then Katsuki snarled about being capable of teaching Eijirou, who took his "offer", and was going to study with him, after all that was done, we went to eat lunch, I got with Itsuka and we started chatting while we got our food, but when we were heading to sit down, we realized that Neito was pestering Izuku and the others, this made Itsuka sigh, and we walked towards them, once we got to them, Itsuka took the initiative and chopped Neito on the back of his neck, this actually made me remember the day we met, because that was exactly the first thing I ever saw her do, so I chuckled and Itsuka apologized with them. "Sorry guys, you already know how Monoma is." Tenya seemed surprised about how we arrived, and Izuku nodded nervously at Itsuka, and then she said. "Anyways, I heard you say that you didn't knew how was the exam gonna be, actually, I've been told that it's going to be like the entrance exam, just a battle against some robots." I got a bit surprised because she hadn't told me, and then Izuku said.

"What?! Really?! How do you know?!" Itsuka chuckled a bit, and then answered.

"I know someone from the upper grades, and I just asked him! I know it's a bit cheating but..." As she trailed off, Izuku started mumbling about this new knowledge and how they should've asked an upper classmate as well, which seemed to surprise her a bit, since she didn't presenced Izuku do that too often, but then Neito woke up, and grunted.

"Are you stupid Kendo?" This really got to my nerves, and immediately made angry. "You just threw away that intelectual advantage that cost y-!" I cut him off with really strong chop to his neck, and said in a deep tone.

"Don't talk to Itsuka like that." This sudden reaction seemed to surprise, and scare a bit everyone there, so I said. "Anyways, sorry for that." This seemed to snap them back to their senses, and Izuku asked a bit nervous.

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