Recovering on I-Island (CH-37)

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Itsuka's Pov

As Y/N started falling asleep in my arms, I used my quirk to get a better hold of him, and then laid him on the floor, I was really calmed this time, since he didn't seemed to be injured or felt any pain, and was just tired, so after I made sure he seemed comfy, I turned back to the rest and said. "Ok, is everyone here?" Everyone started looking around, and then Kirishima said.

"I think the only ones missing are Midoriya, and All Might, I can see Melissa over there." While pointing towards a little hill of metal. "And I think that Bakugo and Todoroki are on that other side." I nodded, and then got a bit away from the group to call them, as I yelled to get their attention, Melissa quickly came towards us, and Todoroki and Bakugo came closer, but at a slower rate, I could assume that it was due to Todoroki's calm nature, and Bakugo's stubborn attitude.

Once they got with us, I said. "Ok, so we're all together, let's search for Midoriya and All Might." Everyone agreed with this, except for Bakugo, who just let out a 'tch', so I just sighed, but as soon as I turned around, I saw Midoriya just a bit away from us. "Hey Midoriya, how are you? And where's All Might?" Looking at him, he seemed a bit injured, since he was limping while walking, but not too much.

"I'm fine, my leg just hurts a bit, and All Might went to check on the professor, he's fine as well." Now, since we were all finally together, Iida went to help Izuku walk, and I went for Y/N, so we could take them somewhere else to rest, but as I grabbed him, I notice something weird with him, he was covered with a lot of sweat, and seemed to be uncomfortable, I only thought of one reason as to why was he like this, and when I placed my hand on his forehead, I confirmed it, for some reason, he had a fever, I didn't knew if it was possible for him to catch one so quickly, but I said.

"He's got a fever." This alarmed the rest a bit, and Yaoyorozu came forward, while also creating a thermometer, she then placed it on him, and after some seconds, she took it out and read what it said.

"39 degrees, (102.2 Fahrenheit) he's got a fever, but it shouldn't be something to worry about, he just needs to rest a bit." I calmed down a bit, and carried him, we then got onto the elevator, and went to the bottom floor, once we arrived, we walked towards a medical center, so they could help with Midoriya's feet, and I also wanted them to check on Y/N, just to be sure that he was alright, during all the way there, I could feel his breathing on my neck, which made me tickle.

Once we arrived, a doctor came towards us, and looked at Midoriya. "What happened to him?" He asked, Iida handed Midoriya towards him, while saying.

"His leg is injured, and his arm might be too." The doctor then called for a nurse, who then took Midoriya to a bed, and then he turned again, and this time looked at me.

"And is he alright?" He asked, while pointing at Y/N.

"Well, he's got a fever, but he isn't injured." He nodded, and instructed me to bring him to a bed.

"I will make a small check up on him, just to make sure nothing's wrong." I agreed, and then sat on a chair near his bed, the doctor then used different tools to check on him, he first took his temperature, then connected him to some machines, he didn't seemed concerned, which was a relief, but after some seconds he finished, and came towards me. "Okay, as you said, he's got a fever, but that isn't too worrisome, however, what's worrisome is his heartbeat, somehow, it's over 200ppm." I got nervous about this, because I only knew about his temperature, so I didn't knew how bad was this. "It isn't dangerous, but he will have to take a longer rest, so once he wakes up, make sure that he doesn't move around too much." I nodded, and he then gave some little instructions as to what to do, once he wakes up, just little advices, like maintaining him hydrated, and getting him something cooler to wear.

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