Watching The Stars (CH.43)

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Itsuka's Pov

While we made our way towards our spot, we chatted a bit, and I couldn't stop saying how excited I was for this, and even if he wasn't as enthusiastic as me, I was sure that he was also looking forward to this. It still took us some minutes to arrive, but soon enough, we were already there.

Before we sat down, Y/N took out a blanket he had brought from the camp, and placed over the floor, so we could sit more comfortably on the ground. I sat down first, and Y/N followed next. We then started looking around a bit, and admired the stars, after what, I decided to lay my back to be more comfortable. I now could look at the sky without stretching too much my neck, which was really good, and I started just looking around.

The more I looked at all the beautiful stars, infront of that amazing black background, I got even more lost in it, and felt an immense peace enter me. During all these 'meditation' of myself, I wondered what Y/N was up to, so I turned to look at him, and noticed that not only was he still sitting on his knees, but he also had one of his datapads, in which he seemed to have a handful of notes, this got me curious, so I asked. "Hey, Y/NN, what you got there?" And while he checked something, he answered.

"Just a bit of information about constellations, they're quite amusing." This got me even more interested, so I got back up, and this time asked.

"Really?" While resting my head on his shoulder. He chuckled a bit at these, and then said.

"Yeah, I'm amazed at how much imagination had their creators. That just with some dots, and a vague shape, they managed to represent a lot of things on our sky." His facial expressions showed that he was actually interested in this, and after some seconds, he got a bit excited and said. "Oh! Like right there!" He then grabbed my hand, and used it to point at some of the stars. "Those right there! That's the constellation of Hercules, the Greek hero." Looking at where he was making me point, it was hard to distinguish a form, and I could only see a bunch of dots, but then, he got his data pad, and aligned it with the stars, and it indeed showed an image of Hercules, that seemed to follow the structure of the stars.

"Wow! They did really had a bunch of free time. I couldn't have imagined that in a million years." He agreed with me with a chuckle, and I laid back down. "But you know, I don't really try to find a meaning as to why every star is where it is. I only admire each and every single one of them, and combined with that infinite background behind them, I get lost in it, and feel as if my worries went away." I got a bit to deep into this, and started imagining a bit, but I then heard Y/N let out a nervous chuckle, which kinda confused me, and then he said.

"I wish I could see it that way." I got on my side to look at him, and he had a bit of a melancholic face, while staring directly at the sky.

"What do you mean?" He sighed at this, and then replied.

"It's about my quirk, it makes it harder for me to see anything in a more emotional way, that's why I gathered all this information on constellations, so I could see what other people thought about the stars, but since your description is harder to explain, I can't really understand it, but I wished I could." He even looked kinda sad right now, which got me a bit worried, and then asked.

"Then why come?" I felt a bit bad for asking this, but I was curious, however, he didn't reacted how I thought, instead of saying anything that seemed depressive, he looked at me, and said.

"Because, even if I can't understand it, I enjoy spending time with you. I Love being with You." This got me a bit flustered, and I think I got a blush on my cheeks, which got me to chuckle a bit, and then I gave him a soft punch, while saying.

"C'mon, don't come out saying things like that so suddenly." He chuckled a bit with me, and once I stopped, I finished with. "But I also enjoy spending this time with you. I also Love being with you." We both stared at each other for some seconds, and he seemed the most happy I had seen him in a while, which I really liked. He then got an idea, and said it.

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