A Heart To Heart Talk (CH.73)

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Itsuka's Pov

"But...don't you think that...everyone would be better off if I...If I simply didn't show emotions at all?" I was confused, and shocked at this statement. I didn't know what he meant at all, but something told me that, whatever it was, he surely wasn't in the best of mind right now.

I separated my face from his just a bit, so that I could watch him in the eyes, and then asked to him. "What do you mean?" However, he started trembling yet again, so I tried to pull him for a hug again, but he refused, and instead started talking.

"Well, you see...I've been thinking, and my general idea of the Demon-Given Talent was that, while it worked perfectly for fighting, it wasn't all that useful for rescue operations, which gave me a reason to improve my personality...but now...it turns out that it's...it's just not necessary...and that I would probably be able to help way more people if I just stayed like that...emotionless and cold..." I could see why was he so hurt due to this, as well as being able to notice that he wasn't like before. Earlier today he was scared and nervous, now he was sad and melancholic.

Now he did accept my hug, and as the two of us hugged each other tightly, he continued with. "Am I- Am I being too selfish by not doing so?...Am I doing society a disservice?...I don't know what to think right now..." I just pulled him as tight as I could, while also stroking his hair and doing my best to get him to calm down.

It took a while, but soon enough he was at least on condition of being talked to, so I did. "I won't lie to you. Maybe you're being selfish. Maybe doing so would be better for society." Just hearing me say this, was enough to make his look way more somber, as he also turned to look away, but I grabbed his chin, and redirected my gaze towards me. "But that isn't a bad thing." I continued saying, and just after giving him a quick kiss on the lips, I kept talking. "As heroes, we're always giving out to everyone. We put our lives on the line constantly, and even though you're still just a student, I've seen you give out that and way more. Society makes us believe that we must be the most selfless beings on earth, and that we can't be selfish at all, but this is what I think: Even us deserve to be selfish every once in a while." Now that he heard what I truly wanted to say, his gaze started to lit up a bit, and while I could notice some confusion as well, it was mostly overpowered by some 'hope' in his eyes.

I smiled at this, seeing as my approach was working, and after I gave him a reassuring kiss on the forehead, I continued. "To be fair, just the fact that we're dating is selfish on itself, as it can distract us from our hero duties, but we deserve it, just as much as the other people do. As heroes, we must save as much people as we can, but there's someone who we should also prioritize, ourselves. If we are in despair, how can we save others?" Now his gaze turned back to normal, still with some glints of sadness, but way better than before, so, as a close up, I said. "Maybe your emotionless state is better for society, but it isn't worth it if it'll just end up ruining your life. You're not being selfish, you're just looking out for yourself." And then gave him a tight hug, as the two of us closed our eyes.

He simply snuggled back to me, and as he planted his head on my neck, he lightly said. "Thanks...Itsu." And then fell asleep, as I could hear some light snores coming from him.

I smiled softly at this, and after moving a bit of his hair out of the way, I left a quick peck on his forehead, while also saying. "No problem, Y/NN. I love you." And then fell asleep, while trying to embrace him with my body as best as I could, since he was still bigger than me.

The following hours of sleep were way better than the first, and while I could notice that I was lacking a bit of them, since I was a bit sleepy as I woke up, I didn't feel all that bad, so I easily woke up.

As the sun lightly shined through my curtains, I stretched for a bit, as to fully wake up, and then passed my hand through Y/N's hair. "Y/NN, it's time to wake up." I softly said at him, to which he replied, but only after letting out a yawn and pulling a bit on me.

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