Sharing Insecurities (CH.82)

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Y/N's Pov

After hearing her ask me what was wrong, I let out a sigh, but not a bad one, of course. It was mostly out of frustration, but with me, not only for making her worry about me, but also because I once again kind of forgot about how much she cares.

Looking at her, she seemed even more worried, probably due to my sigh, but I simply said. "Alright, how about I tell you in the train? I wouldn't want Eri to hear about this." She nodded at this, and right after that, she went for her jacket.

It took her just a bit over a minute to get back down again, and once the two of us got outside of U.A, and onto my motorbike, we left for the station. I was starting to get worried about Itsuka, as I didn't want her to focus too much on me, but fortunately, as we rode the bike across the city, I turned to look at her, and I could she just how mesmerized she was with the scenery, just like the first time we did this.

Seeing her have such a good time made me forget about my own worries, even more than my alone trip did, and by the time we got to the station, I was feeling refreshed. "So, how was it, Itsu?" I asked to her, as the two of us got down from the bike and took of our helmets.

She just chuckled a bit, and with a warm smile on her lips, she replied to me. "Just as amazing as last time. We should take Eri for a ride as soon as we can!" I wasn't entirely sure if Eri would be prepared for something like this yet, but just thinking about how she would react, made my heart melt a bit, and I couldn't wait already.

We were quick to find the train that would take us to Illum city, where Eri was still staying, and fortunately, we were able to find some seats in a pretty empty wagon, which was a bit surprising. The place was really barren, as I could only see a couple office workers, some mothers with their children, and not much more.

As the train got moving, Itsuka scooted a bit closer to me, and said. "Hey, sorry if this kills the mood a bit, but could we talk about how you were feeling earlier? I don't want you to carry with that baggage any longer, and even though you look better now, I still think it would be best if we talked about it." I hadn't entirely forgotten about it, but I was still mildly surprised by what she said, however, at the same time, I was moved.

I grabbed her hand with mine, and as I gave her a light squeeze, I said. "Of course, and thanks for caring so much." She chuckled a bit, and after I took a deep breath, I started explaining. "Well, the thing is that I just noticed how much of an impact I have on others, and I'm not sure about how I feel. You remember how I told you I saved Eri?" I then slightly turned to look at her, and after she gave me a nod, I continued. "At the time, I didn't put too much though into it because I was focused on Eri, but today, after a reunion I had, both Mirio and Izuku said that my performance was discouraging for them..." By this point, I started remembering their faces, and just how frustrated and angry they looked, making it a bit hard for me to continue.

Itsuka seemed to notice this, as she placed her other hand on top of mine, but before she got to say anything, I continued first. "They were glad that I could save Eri...but I think I did too much, and didn't let them do any work by themselves...I don't think they were angry, but they weren't pleased either, and I don't honestly know how to feel about it." I was now finished talking, and wanted to know what she thought about the whole situation, as she was way more emotionally mature than me.

Looking at her, Itsuka was a bit silent, probably thinking about what I told her, and after a couple of seconds, she said to me. "I can't exactly tell you how they felt, as only they know that, but I can tell you what I think happened." She managed to catch my interest with this, so I paid even more attention to her, and then she continued with. "I believe that what you did frustrated them, or rather discouraged them. When people come across someone as strong as you, it usually generates a lot of different reactions. Some might feel inspired, others might feel challenged, and some others will probably feel enamored." As I thought about what she just said, I remembered my friends and other relationships I had, and realized that she was right, as I did come across a lot of people with that kind of reactions.

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