The Class Representative (CH.8)

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Kendo's Pov

The last thing I remember was blacking out in front of Y/N, so I don't know how I ended up sleeping somewhere, the only thing I know was that I was really comfortable and I snuggled up with what I thought was my pillow, after some time I started to wake up, I opened my eyes a bit and started stretching, when I suddenly heard "Did you sleep well?" I froze in place and slowly watched who asked me that, and I saw that it was Y/N the one who asked me that, and he was also carrying me bridal style.

"U-Uhmm, Y-Yeah, I-I slept w-w-well" I answered

"Good" He said, with a smile on his face, that I've gotta admit, it was somewhat cute.

"Hey, why did I blacked out?" I asked, he just looked at me with caring eyes and answered.

"Oh, when I healed you, I used Recovery Girl's quirk, which left you exhausted and made you almost immediately fall asleep, and I just carried you here, we're almost in the control room" He said, I was glad to know that he cared about me, but I realized that if we were almost in the control room that meant that everyone would see us like this, and I immediately snapped.

"Wait!" I yelled, he stop walking and looked at me confused, and with a blush in my face, I continued "I-I think that I can walk by myself n-now so..." I was extremely embarrassed by this point and my face was completely covered with a blush, he took about two seconds to process what I just did, but then he just smiled at me again.

"Ok, if you say so, but be careful." and he placed me on the floor so I could walk.

"Thanks" I said

"No need to thank me, I just did what I felt right to do."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I'm just saying when I see that someone needs help, I've just gotta do something about it, I think it has something to do with my quirk." I just looked at him, and he seemed really into his thoughts, with a bit sad look on his face, and I just felt that I needed to know more of him.

"Why do you think that your quirk is involved?" I questioned him.

"Well, It's because when I developed my quirk it used some parts of my brain for it to work correctly, it ended up affecting mainly the parts that manage my emotions, at first it didn't made any changes, but when I was like 5 years and a half I started to lose my emotions and even some senses like taste, but I think that it has another side effect that makes me feel more empathy than normal, so if I see someone in problems, no matter who it is, I feel the urge to help them."

"O-Oh, really" I felt a bit sad, because even if he cared for me, I probably wasn't anything special for him. 'It was stupid anyways, we just met today, why would I be something special for him'

"However" he suddenly said "When I saw that you needed help, it felt different, I was even more worried than usual, the urge to do something for you just felt stronger. Well, what I'm trying to say is that I don't think I do enough to be thanked, I just do what I feel like doing, especially for you" He smiled at me and made my heart flutter a lot.

"Do you r-really mean it?" I asked, he just turned his head to face me and smiled, I could also notice that he had a little blush on his face.

"Yes, I mean it." He finished, we just stayed there staring at each other for some seconds, until he spoke again "Well we should get going, we're almost there anyways."

"Yeah, we should" I said, while placing a strand of hair of hair behind my ear. While we made our way to the control room we just chatted about random stuff, but I couldn't forget what he said and how happy it made me.

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