The Dorm King Contest (CH.58)

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Itsuka's Pov

After Y/N left for his own dorm, I stayed back with our friends and chatted with them until the rest of the class arrived. It took about half an hour for them to arrive, as well as Vlad sensei, and once we were all there, he started explaining. "Hello everyone. As you know, today you'll be transferring to the In-Campus dorms, with the objective to keep a closer eye on you and be able to protect you in a more effective way, but first of all, I've gotta say that I'm glad that all of you made it here safe and sound." To be honest, I was really glad as well, since I was worried that some of them wouldn't get permission, so I said.

"Yeah, I was worried that you guys wouldn't get permission, but it seems as everyone got it!" Looking around most of them seemed to agree with me, but that's when they said something that surprised me a bit.

"Well, we were all worried about you, Kendo!" Exclaimed Nirengeki, which was a bit surprising due to his normal demeanor.

Leaving with no time to ask why was that the rest of the class started muttering about it, and even Vlad sensei said. "To be honest, along with Tetsutetsu, Shiozaki and Honenuki, you guys were the ones that worried me the most, and as for you, Kendo. Your case was really hard, and if it wasn't for Y/N, I don't think we would've gotten authorization to bring you." Now my attention completely shifted, from wondering why were they worried that I wouldn't come, to me being nervous as to what the class would say about that, since it was something that I hadn't told anyone.

Their first response was one of confusion, so Kaibara asked. "What does Y/N have to do with this?" However, before Vlad sensei answered, Kamakiri replied.

"Isn't it obvious? If the school can't protect her, then that idiot probably will." I was a bit perplexed by this because I didn't expect Kamakiri to be able to know something like that, and I think everyone else thought the same, because no one said anything until he finished with. "That probably calmed her parents and allowed her to come." Since no one could say anything, they just turned to look at Vlad sensei, who nodded slightly, confirming what he said.

"That's right, however, I'm not really proud of myself for that, so I promise to take as much care as possible of you guys, and become someone that your parents can trust once again." To be honest, this last bit from him was a bit inspiring, and got me to mostly forget my light embarrassment, and then he exclaimed. "But anyway, let's stop wasting time and go inside." To which we all exclaimed.

"Yes, Sensei!"

Y/N's Pov

As I followed Aizawa sensei inside the dorms, something seemed to slow down the rest, so I turned to see what it was, and it was a bit confusing.

I don't know exactly what happened, but for whatever reason, Katsuki took Denki away for a moment, and forced him to overcharge himself. I was confused by this, but looking at all their reactions towards this, I realized that it probably was Katsuki's way of lightening the mood, something I didn't expect from him. I didn't pay much attention to this, and then walked inside with Aizawa sensei.

Looking around inside, the place seemed a bit bigger than what I expected from the outside, but it wasn't anything too impressive. 'Overall, it seems nice.' I thought to myself, however, I wasn't too impressed either. 'A bit too much for me, but Itsu and the guys probably like it.' I then got the idea that I could visit them someday, but I thought. 'They probably already had this idea.' And just shrugged it off for the moment.

Now the rest of the class entered the dorm, and their reactions were way more surprised than mine. The one thing that seemed to surprise them the most was the space, which I found mostly unnecessary, but I didn't mind if they liked it.

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