The U.S.J Trip (CH.9)-Part 1

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Y/N's Pov

Everyone was excited by this news, even I was interested in this 'This is bound to be interesting' I thought, after we all calmed down a bit, Aizawa sensei continued explaining.

"We will go there tomorrow, there we will do some rescue training with me, All Might and one other hero" And at that moment the bell rang "Well that's it for today, prepare for tomorrow and don't forget anything" Aizawa sensei finished, and got inside his sleeping bag, I just grabbed my bag and left the classroom 'I wonder what kind of training we will do there.'

At the school gates

I was walking to the train station with Itsuka, Ochako Izuku and Tenya, this time me and Itsuka decide to join them in their chat, we were just talking about random stuff, but I decide to ask them about the U.S.J "Hey guys, does anybody of you know what's the U.S.J Aizawa sensei talked about?"

"I think it means Universal Studios Japan, but I'm pretty sure that we aren't going there." Said Izuku

"Wait guys" Interrupted Itsuka "Are you also going to the U.S.J tomorrow!?"

"You class is also going!?" I exclaimed surprised 

"Yes!" She answered

"Hmm, I guess it will be another joint training, like the battles."

"Oh that would be great!" Said Ochako

We then continued walking towards the train station.

The next day in Class 1-A

"Well, as I said yesterday, we will go to the U.S.J, it will be a long trip, so we will go there by bus, you can decide whether you use or not  your costume, this will also be joint training with 1-B, we will meet with them at the U.S.J" We all said 'Yes sensei' and grabbed our costumes, then we headed to the bus.

"Everyone, form two lines and we will sit like our seat arrangement" Tenya said, the arrangement seemed good, but I looked through the window and noticed that the seats in the bus weren't the appropriate  ones for the arrangement that Tenya said "Any questions?" I then raised my hand and waited for Tenya to call me "Yes Y/N?"

"Uhmm, actually the seats of the bus don't work for what you said" I pointed out.

Tenya looked inside the bus, and seemed a bit upset that he had to change of plan "Well, I think we ca-" Tenya was talking, but Aizawa sensei camed and ended the situation.

"We are losing time, just sit wherever you want" And with that we just entered and sat down, I chose the nearest seat to the entrance, and we parted our way.

During the trip to the U.S.J

Everybody was just minding their own business, some of us had their phones, so they were using them, some others were just talking between them, I was just sitting there, doing nothing, when Tsuyu asked something to Izuku "Hey Midoriya, I normally say what's in my mind no matter what it is, and I've gotta say, your quirk reminds me a lot to All Might's quirk"

This seemed to tense up Izuku, and made him extremely nervous "R-Really!? B-But mine i-i-is  d-differen-" He stuttered, until Eijirou spoke.

"But Asui, remember that All Might doesn't hurt himself all the time, anyways, if it was the same, Y/N could see right, right Y/N!?" He said, it caught me abit out of guard, but I answered.

"Oh, yeah I can tell if they have differences an-" I stopped, at that moment I noticed something extremely odd, both of their auras seemed almost identical, their only difference seemed to be the power, in which Izuku's quirk seemed to be stronger, I stayed there for a couple seconds, contemplating that, until they called out for me.

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