The Kamino Incident (CH.52)

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Remember to stay tuned tomorrow for the New Year's special, as well as my brand-new book, titled My Time As A Demon Slayer

Mr. Kendo's Pov Some minutes earlier

It had already been around 3 hours since the kid left, and we didn't have any news from him. It normally wouldn't be so weird, since it was very late and he probably went to sleep, but seeing how determined he was with Itsuka, and that he apparently spent the last two days with her, it was odd not hearing anything from him.

I mentioned this to my wife, but even if she seemed worried as well, she mainly tried to shrug it off. "I'm sure he's just busy. With everything that's been going on with U.A something must've come up for him, so let's just wait. I'm sure he'll be back on time." I was still a bit worried about him, but I nodded, and as she continued petting the kid's cat, I turned on the T.V to distract me a bit.

There wasn't anything really interesting, so I put on the news, where I encountered a press conference about the recent attack. While the reporters threw question after question, I realized that they were directed at U.A's principal, as well as the two teachers who took care of the first year. I was angry at their performance, so I stayed to see what they had to say in their defense, and to be honest, I didn't believe a word they said. It all seemed like just excuses to shift the guilt and not have to pay for their actions, which only got me angrier.

My wife took notice of this, and before I did anything stupid, she tried to make me stop watching. "C'mon, dear. You know there's no use watching this." I sighed in annoyance, and then said.

"You're right." But just as I was about to turn it off, the transmission changed suddenly.

[Breaking News! A fight between All Might and who's believed to be the leader of the League of Villains is taking place at Kamino. The destruction seems enormous, and we're still on hold to know the full situation. We have one of our choppers out there right now with live footage.] The they showed an air view from the fight. What stood out the most was All Might fighting some guy in suit, but after looking around a bit, I realized that there was something else going on, and the reporter seemed to take notice of this.

[Wow! What's that! All Might doesn't seem to be the only one fighting down there! It's hard to see it from here, but I think there's two other kids down there!] Then they used the zoom of the cam to watch closely and looking who was down there was shocking. [WHAT'S THIS!!! Isn't that the kidnapped kid from U.A! And just besides him! That's the winner of the U.A Sports Festival! What are they doing here!] Looking at my wife she looked extremely shocked, and I myself was really worried, and as I turned around to look at Itsuka, I thought. 'Be safe kid, she needs you!'

Y/N's Pov

"COME!!!" Screamed Eijiro as he flew in the sky with Tenya and Izuku. I looked at Katsuki, and I realized that he was charging his quirk to go up there. Once he used his explosion to fly towards them, I tried to use my breathing, but as I focused on my thunder breathing, my lungs collapsed for a moment, making them hurt a lot and didn't allow me to jump with them. Due to this setback I had to evade some of their attacks, and as I got in position, I decided to also use Katsuki's quirk. Then, with a single explosion I was sent up at an extremely fast speed, and immediately arrived with the guys.

Since I had arrived there later, the only place from where I could hang was Katsuki's foot, something he didn't like, but I it's not like I really had an option. We were leaving really fast, thanks to some more explosions delivered by Katsuki, as well as all the efforts that Tenya and Izuku placed, however, as we flew away, my quirk made me realize just how much people were within the range of danger, something that made me feel uneasy.

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