The Ryukyu Squad (CH.88)

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Ochako's Pov

Right as I heard that new voice, I immediately turned to look towards what seemed to be the origin of it, and as I searched with my flashlight, I couldn't see anything past some kind of wall, that was way closer than I thought. "Who's there?!" I asked, as I kept searching for the origin.

I could faintly notice something moving in between all that light, but I couldn't distinguish anything. "Uravity? What's the-" I could hear Ryukyu ask at the distance, however, she immediately stopped after something, which confused me quite a bit, until she exclaimed. "Uravity! Watch out!!!" This just shocked me, so I started looking all around, and that's when I realized what was wrong.

As I moved my flashlight around, I could start seeing a couple weird things on that 'wall', and as I followed them, I encountered what seemed to be arms, not only that, but also very big ones, and as I turned to look towards the head was supposed to be, I finally realized why the 'wall' was so close. "Hoho, I've gotta thank Mimic for this treat. I get to absorb all your energy? What a delight?" I heard this villain say, and right there, he lunged at me.

I was still a bit shocked from seeing just how big he was, so it took me about a second to react, however, this was enough for him to get too close to me, making my escape impossible. I still didn't know what his quirk was, making everything even more dangerous, as I didn't even know if using my martial arts would be safe, not like they would be all that effective against someone as big as him though.

Fortunately, right before he was going to get in contact with me, Ryukyu arrived in her Dragon form, and with a tail whip, sent him towards the real wall, while also taking me back with the rest. "Everything alright, Uravity?" She asked to me, and as I accommodate my helmet, which had moved a bit out of place due to the shock, I replied.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Sorry for that." Ryukyu said that it was alright, as it wasn't my fault, and in less than a second, we got back with the rest.

Ryukyu immediately settled me down, while saying. "Alright girls, be careful around that guy. We can't know what his quirk is, so we better...we better..." She kept trying to speak, but Ryukyu suddenly seemed extremely tired, and even started limping due to this.

None of us knew what to say, so we just stayed silent, until she suddenly turned back to her human form, while almost passing out as well. "Ryukyu!" We all exclaimed together, as Nejire catched her, and carefully took her down.

Ryukyu's state seemed even worse than I imagined, as she was barely able to keep herself awake, and that's when she said. "S-Sorry...I don't know what happened...there..." We all wanted to say that it was okay, as this was of course not her fault, but before we got to do that, we heard the man say.

"Uff, that was a good hit, but this energy is delightful. Now, let's get me even more." And as we all turned to look around, we shined him with our flashlights, and realized just how buffer he suddenly looked, and even if we were still a bit confused, I think we all quickly realized what his quirk was.

Nejire was the first one to act, as expected from one of the Big Three, and then exclaimed. "Uravity, Froppy, take Ryukyu to a safe place while she rests up. I'm gonna try to keep this guy at bay with my long-range attacks." The two of us complied with what she said, and while I used my quirk to lighten Ryukyu, Tsuyu took her with her tongue, and then brought her with us.

Once we were at a safe distance, we both settled Ryukyu down, while I quickly asked. "Ryukyu, are you alright?" And after taking a moment to breath, she weakly said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired." By then, we could already start hearing the sounds of the battle between Nejire and that villain, and as we all turned around to see what was going on, it was a bit hard to believe. In just a couple of seconds, Nejire was already flying around at what seemed to be her max speed, as she threw waves and waves of her quirk, also at almost full force, and as for the villain, he kept sinking his hands on the floor, as if it was nothing, and throwing the debris right at Nejire with quite some force.

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