The Battle Training (CH.4)

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A/N First of all I'm gonna introduce 1b in some parts like this battle training or the USJ attack because I want this to be an Y/N x Itsuka so I'm just gonna introduce her in the story. P.D Y/N and Ochako will just be friends and don't see each other in any romantic way

Y/N's Pov

After the quirk apprehension test we went to orientation, the opening ceremony and other things during the rest of the day until school was over, nothing really interesting, but when I was getting ready to leave someone called me.

"Hey Y/N" said Ochako when I turned to see her. 

"Oh, hi Ochako" I responde to her while finishing with my things and being ready to leave. 

"Ara, so you are already calling me by my first name" she said while having a grin on her face. 

"Oh, sorry about that, I'm mostly used to call people by their first name  rather than the last" I said while being a bit embarrassed, since it was my first time doing that error. 

"It's alright, you can call me Ochako, well do you want to go to the station with me?" She said, which made me feel good about the fact that she didn't got offended or anything like that about the first name thing.

"Yeah, why not" and with that we left the classroom and went to the entrance gate.

While we were walking down we were just chatting with each other until we got outside U.A and Ochako just ran off "Hey isn't tha-" and with that she just speed up to Izuku and Tenya, and I just ran behind her "Hey guys" said Ochako. 

"Oh, you're that infinity girl" said Izuku when I catched Ochako.

"And you're the coping guy" said Tenya this time. 

"Yeah, I'm Ochako Uraraka" said Ochako with a smile.

"And I'm Y/N" I said with just a blank face. 

"What about your las-" Tenya was asking but I just cut him off quickly. 

"Don't have" 

"Oh, Okay" said Tenya a bit shocked about how I responded him.

"Well, so you're Tenya Iida and you're Deku Midoriya?" asked Ochako trying to light the mood.

 "D-Deku?" said Izuku a bit shaken from the words of Ochako. 

"Or are you Izuku? sorry I'm confused, Y/N called you Izuku but that blond guy said Deku" asked Ochako trying to guess Izuku's name. 

"O-Oh, I'm I-Izuku, Deku is name K-Kacchan came up with to make fun of me" said Izuku trying to explain the situation but also being extremely nervous. 

"Oh, sorry, but you know I like Deku it sounds like "you can do it" in Japanese, and it's kinda cute" said Ochako with a big smile on her face. 

"Deku it's" said Izuku being really flustered and with a blush all over his face. 

"Didn't you just said it was an insult?!" said Tenya shocked about how he changed his view over that nickname in a second, while I was just staring at it with a shocked face thinking 'Seriously dude' and with that we just continued on our way to the station. 

'This is going to be an interesting year' I thought.

Timeskip to Y/N's House

'Ah, finally at home' I thought when I crossed the door and sat down on the couch in the living room, when I relaxed  I directed my attention to my hand which I thought was fractured by the explosion I made earlier 'I should take care of that' I activated one of the quirks I have the most practice with so I don't need to be near the original user to activate it.

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