Starting My Duty (CH.25)-Part 4

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Y/N's Pov

I was side-to-side with Shoto, while at my back, Deku, Tenya and Native were frozen due to a quirk, and infront of me The Hero Killer, Stain, stod menacingly, despite me trying to stand my ground as hard as I could, and all the confidence that I had built up until now, seeing him here and now, made me nervous, and a bit scared, I felt constant shivers flow through all my body, but I couldn't give up now or let any of this show, the slightest error, might end up in the death of someone, and I wouldn't allow that. "You two, don't allow him to see any type of blood, he can take your mobility if he ingests it through oral means, that's how we lost!" Deku warned, I already knew that thanks to his aura, but it was useful information for Shoto.

"Well, we can always keep our distance." Shoto said, but as he was doing so, Stain threw one of his knives towards us, cutting a bit of Shoto's cheek, letting some blood drip out.

"You have some good friends, don't you, Ingenium?" Stain said, in his creepy and raspy tone, as he did so, he jumped toward us and tried to slash Shoto with a knife, looking at this, he quickly covered himself with a wall of ice, but then Stain threw a part of his sword to the air, which distracted Shoto enough for Stain to try and lick his blood, and I could also notice that he seemed to prepare to attack me next, so I went to to kick his side, while Shoto let out a burst of flames, which didn't damaged me due to my suit, this made him jump back to retreat, but on his way back I felt something graze my leg, so I looked at it, and my suit had a little torn, which revealed a little cut underneath it, which wasn't even bleeding, but looking back at the knife that he used to cut me, it had one single drop of blood. 'Dammit.' I thought, I was hoping that it wouldn't be enough for his quirk to work on me, but his aura didn't had any information of a minimum, so I assumed that he didn't had one, therefore I assumed a more stable position, and prepared myself to when he would activate his quirk on me, and soon enough he did, it felt weird, in an instant my whole body paralyzed, and particularly my veins felt as if they were made of stone.

"Sorry Shoto, he got me, but I can still help, somehow." I apologized.

"It's fine, I can hold him." He said, while sending some ice to attack Stain, but as he was doing this, Tenya started mumbling and then screamed.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS! I INHERITED THE NAME FROM MY BROTHER!! I'M THE ONE THAT MUS-!" I grunted a bit at this, on my own I couldn't understand his feelings, but I could hear desperation in his voice, so I didn't knew what to say, but thankfully, Shoto did.

"You inherited it, huh? How funny, the Ingenium I met never did that kind of face, and I know that there must be problems in your family." But now Stain got really near to us, and Shoto tried to cover us with a wall of ice, however, it didn't stopped him, Stain just cut through it, and suddenly he was to far up in the sky, prepared to slash Shoto.

"Trying to get you out of the line of sight of an opponent faster than you? Stupid." He claimed, Shoto quickly thought of a countermeasure, and prepared to fire him up, but Stain threw some knives at him, I saw them approach him, and in a similar manner as before, the time seemed to slow down, but what was really weird is that it wasn't as slow as the other times, if the other occasions were slowed down to 0.25% speed, this was just to around 0.75%, I would've wondered about this for more time, but the knives were closing in really fast, I started thinking about anything that could help, but all my ideas depended on my movement, which I didn't had, so I was in trouble, when I suddenly remembered an specific quirk I found at the gym, I went through my quirk database to find it, and quickly copied it, as I did so, I felt a new type of energy course through my body, then I concentrated this energy on the falling knives, and just as the first one was touching Shoto, I stopped them, and now they were glowing with a blue aura, which also seemed to emanate from me.

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