Y/N's First Battle (CH.6)-Part 1

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Y/N's Pov

After that shocking first battle we continued with the rest of the battles, the most impressive one after the first one was the one were Shoto took part, as soon as the fight started he simply froze the entire building, avoiding the bomb and his opponents, but also restricting them enough so they couldn't fight. However, after that battle the rest didn't seem really impressing and the day just went on until the last battle.

Timeskip to before the last battle

"SO, BEFORE WE START THE FINAL BATTLE WE WILL DECIDE WHO WILL SUBSTITUTE YOUNG MIDORIYA, SO WE WILL TAKE A FINAL NAME FROM THE BOX, SAME AS BEFORE IF YOU ARE CHOSEN YOU CAN DECIDE TO NOT PARTICIPATE" After this, All Might took out one final name to chose my partner "SO THE CHOSEN ONE IS... YOUNG URARAKA, SO ARE YOU OK WITH THESE YOUNG URARAKA?" I must say I didn't expect that outcome but I wasn't against it, she has good skills, and since she doesn't have to sneak around, she can't reveal her position with a laugh, although I have the feeling that this won't go very smooth.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine wit-Urgh" And there was the problem, she was still in very bad shape after her battle were she overused her quirk.

"OK, I THINK IT'S BETTER IF I GRAB ANOTHER NAME" We all just nodded at this seeing how bad she was feeling "AND THE SELECTED PERSON IS... YOUNG KENDO, WHAT DO YOU SAY?" At first when he said it was Kendo I got a little worried that we would be awkward towards each other, but then I realized that I should take this test as if it was a real fight, so I shouldn't take my feelings in consideration during the battle.

"I'm ok with participating" She also seemed serious about the training, but I saw a little blush on her face which made me think that she was also a bit embarrassed.


Timeskip to when both teams are on position

3rd Person Pov

When both teams got in position, the preparation time started and both started planning their actions for the battle.

With Kamakiri and Hagakure

Kamakiri and Hagakure had their plan, even if it was somewhat driven by Kamakiri's personal desires.

"So what should we do? I can infiltrate in there without them knowing it!" 

"Hmmm yeah, ok so I will fight them while you go behind me and when you see a good time to sneak up you go, but do not interfere in my fights you get it!"

"L-Like crystal"

After they had their plan they just waited there until the time runned out, meanwhile the villain team was also organizing their plan, with more participation from both teammates.

With Y/N and Kendo

"So, what's the plan?" asked Kendo, still a bit flustered about what happened earlier.

"Hmmm, I have an idea, you stay here guarding the bomb and I go scout in the lower floor, when there are 3 minutes left, or if one of them gets here I will come to help, ok?" When Y/N was talking he did it in a serious tone and he had a serious look under his mask, almost as if nothing had happened between them.

"Oh ok, sounds like a good plan" Kendo answered but was a bit curious about his current attitude 'How is he so calmed down?'

"Ok, I will head down, if you need help just ask for it" and with that Y/N just left and went down a floor leaving Kendo to her own thoughts.

'He does really take this seriously huh' Kendo was a bit curious, but she just shaved it off and focused on the exercise.

Timeskip to the start of the exercise

"AND THE TIME BEGINS!" All Might said through the comms system so both teams could hear it.

"Ok, let's go" said Kamakiri, entering the building to find the bomb.

"Ok" said Hagakure, following Kamakiri from behind.

They continued going through the building, until they reached the fourth floor, when they were crossing a corner Y/N threw a punch that was hardened with Kirishima's hardening quirk to Kamakiri's face to which he quickly dodged by doing a quick step back, and when he realized what happened, he immediately went for an uppercut with one of his blades to Y/N's face, to what he reacted by defending himself with a blade made of Kamakiri's quirk and reinforced with Kirishima's quirk.

"Huh, so you also have a copying quirk like Monoma" said Kamakiri with a grin on his face seeing that he had a worthy opponent for himself.

Y/N, Instead of answering this with words he continued with his attack, because stopping to talk during a fight isn't clever, right?

Seeing that Y/N wouldn't distract during the battle, Kamakiri also focused completely on the battle and they both started exchanging slashes, hitting their blades on multiple occasions, While they were fighting, Hagakure tried to escape and go to find the bomb, but every time she tried to pass through them, Y/N always cut her path with his blades, to which she thought that he wasn't doing it on purpose and that they were just coincidences, but when she tried to go back the hallway to find another way around, Y/N immediately jumped over Kamakiri and stopped her from going anywhere, that's when both of them realized that he actually knew where she was, even if he couldn't see her.

Aura Localization: Y/N can locate people by sensing where their aura is located, which grants him the ability to see the location of people through walls or even if they are invisible.

"Dang it! If she can't go pass him we won't find the bomb in time" Kamakiri was getting desperate about the situation and was also a bit angry about the fact that they were being surpassed by only one person "Grrr, hey you, invisible girl!"

"I have a name you know!" They were both getting desperate, and Kamakiri's attitude wasn't helping to calm the mood with Hagakure.

"Whatever, I'm gonna try to overwhelm him with many attacks, when I do that just try to pass him as fast as you can, get it!"

"Oh, so you can do real plans, huh?" Hagakure was just joking a bit, but it wasn't really the best situation and Kamakiri wasn't the correct person to joke around like that.

"Just shut up okay, and do what I told you"

"Okay, geez, can't even take a light joke"

When they had their plan they just needed to find the appropriate moment to use it, and Kamakiri suddenly found it.

"NOW!" And when he said that Kamakiri started attacking extremely faster with his blades, stopping even the best efforts of Y/N to stop Hagakure from passing him and going one floor up, when she completely passed the hallway Y/N retrieved back a bit to think his next move.

"Crap, Itsuka one got through, stay alert she's invisible, I will go up there in a moment"

"Ok Y/N, I will stay here"

Kamakiri, seeing that he defeated Y/N's plan spoke with a grin on his face.

"Huh, so you can actually talk, seems that you aren't good enough for me even with two quirks"

"Maybe that's true" Said Y/N scaring Kamakiri a bit, not just because for the first time he answered to him, but because he also had a voice changer that made him sound more menacing "But the truth is that my limit isn't two quirks, they are actually 3 at the moment" And with that Y/N's hand started changing, not because of a quirk, but because his suit was activating one mod that replicated Bakugou's hand cannons, but with a few upgrades, like some recoil control and even better aiming, and after it was complete he pointed it at Kamakiri.


Hehe, the first real cliffhanger, what do you think?

Who can guess what he is going to do with that shoot? I don't know, maybe Kamakiri is going to get injured or it may be just a bluff to scare him off, who knows. (Well apart from me)

Well, same as always, advices and quirk ideas on the comments if you like.

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