Fatherly Aggression (CH.104)

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Y/N's Pov

After Itsuka asked me how Eri was, I let out a sigh, since I felt like this was a difficult question to answer. "Well, she's doing fine, I guess." I said to her, and as I looked at her expression, I could see that this answer didn't really help out, which was obvious, but it was the best I could give her. "At least she hasn't worsened since I woke up, so that's good, but from what I've been hearing, she's still suffering quite a lot. I also haven't been able to go check on her, since I was still to dizzy to walk, so I'm stuck with my quirk and what I can hear." After I said this, I turned to look at Itsuka, just to see what she thought about this, and I could see that she was deep in thought.

She didn't look all that worried at least, which was good, but after a few seconds, she turned to look at me, and said. "Then, how about we go see her right now?" I was slightly surprised by this suggestion, as it was something that I definitely didn't expect from her, and seeing my face of surprise, she continued with. "I mean, you said you're doing better already, and she's in the room just beside you, and if you end up needing help, I'm right here. It shouldn't be a problem." Hearing all of this, it did sound like a good idea, but before I got to say anything, Itsuka finished with. "Besides, I wasn't given much time with you. Vlad sensei will probably just give me a few more minutes, so I would like to check on Eri as well. Hopefully by the next time I come she'll feel better." Now that she explained how she felt, I got an even better picture of how she was feeling, and felt as if I had screwed it up by not saving Eri and instead wasted so much time with Shitsuki, but I then decided to forget about that, since it wasn't important right now.

I then pulled her a bit closer to me, and while leaving a kiss on her forehead, I said. "It'll be okay. I'm sure of it." I was a bit nervous myself to be honest, but everything seemed to slowly come together, so I was feeling positive, even if just a bit.

She seemed to be doing better than me though, as Itsuka simply leaned against me and said. "I know." We then stayed there for a few seconds, enjoying the embrace of each other.

After a few seconds though, both me and Itsuka got up from the bed. As I was about to do so though, Itsuka quickly got to my side, as she then said. "Here, let me help." I honestly didn't really wanted her to help me. It made me a feel a bit more useless than before, but after I tried to get up by myself, I almost lost my footing. I wasn't going to fall or anything, at least not yet, but it would definitely take me a bit more time to able to walk properly, so Itsuka got to my side, and helped me by putting my arm around her neck. It was nice, and I was definitely grateful with her, and she seemed pretty happy as well, so I decided to keep my discomfort to myself.

Since that was out of the way, the two of us went towards Eri's room. As we walked outside, I saw Vlad sensei waiting for Itsuka. I then waved at him, and he waved back. We then instantly got to Eri's window, from where we could see that she was still struggling with her breathing. Looking at Itsuka, she seemed to get a bit more worried, as she even increased her grip on my arm. I then tried to help by leaving a kiss on her forehead, after which she leaned against me, and I could hear her muttering. "She'll be alright." Which melted my heart a bit, while also making me notice something.

I then let out a chuckle, which clearly confused her, as it was definitely out of place, so I quickly explained myself. "Sorry, it's just that, every time I see you, you seem to be more on board with the whole mother thing. It's like, after you said that you were okay with caring for Eri as a mother, you were still clearly nervous about it, but seems like every day you get more comfortable with the idea." She then took a moment to process what I said, but once she did, she let out a chuckle of her own, and then said.

"Yeah. I was definitely nervous. I still am, but it's just..." She then took a moment to look inside the room, and after contemplating Eri for a bit, she continued with. "It's just that, with everything that's happened, it's pretty hard for me not to want to help her. She's just so little and frail, that I want to give her the best life we can, but I'm not sure if we will be able to. I think you're doing an amazing job so far, don't get me wrong. But this...This doesn't feel like a good start, you know." I already knew that I screwed up. I'm well aware of the fact that I wasted too much time with Shitsuki, and while there was nothing I could do to change that right now. After listening to Itsuka, I at least took a decision.

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