A New Class Of Friends (CH.63)

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Itsuka's Pov

"Thanks for inviting me, Itsu." Said Y/NN with a lovely tone while we laid on the couch. After he said this, I snuggled with him, and once I was comfortable with him, I say.

"No problem, Y/NN. I love you, and everyone here cares about you. We are here for you." He smiled dearly at this, and gave me a kiss on the lips, and then said.

"T-Thanks for helping with my Dad as well. I-I don't think I could've handled that on my own." He said, while also starting to tremble a bit. This got me a bit worried, so I hugged him tighter, and repeated.

"Remember what I just said. No problem. I love you, we care for you, and we are here for you. Now, don't think too much about it and relax." He didn't say anything this time, and instead, he simply closed his eyes, and gave me an even tighter hug.

After everyone was done with whatever they were doing, we put on the next movie, and continued watching. Following next was Shiozaki, who put the Prince of Egypt, and to be honest, it was pretty nice. I liked the animation, and while I'm personally not a believer in God, the story itself was good, so I liked it. Following was Kamakiri, who surprisingly, instead of choosing a jam-packed action movie, decided to a thriller type movie, pretty interesting, but still understandable coming from him.

We continued watching for a couple more hours, and everyone had interesting propositions for the movies they wanted to watch. "I'm surprised no one's fallen asleep already." Said Tsuburaba, to which I said.

"Yeah, normally I would've fallen asleep by now." Everyone let out a chuckle at this, and I even I did, but that's when we all heard something weird. "Does anyone hear that?" I asked to which Setsuna mentioned.

"Yes, but what is it? Did someone really fall asleep?" All of us then started looking around for who it was, until I finally realized that it actually sounded pretty close to me.

"Wait...Is it?" I asked to myself, as I turned around, and looked at Y/N. "Hehe, it's just Y/NN, I bet he didn't sleep well this past days. He tends to do that." I explained to the rest, and then covered him more appropriately with the sheets.

"Oh, well, I guess we should follow his example. It's way past midnight, and we are supposed to be training tomorrow first hour." We all agreed on this, and so, we started cleaning and arranging everything.

I wanted to help, so I carefully scooted out of Y/N's arms, and started helping around. Most of the stuff we had to clean were our snacks, so it wasn't that hard, but as I grabbed a couple bags of chips and took them to the kitchen, something was off with Y/N.

He was tossing and moving around, while sweating intensely and mumbling incoherent phrases. "H-Hey, guys? Is Y/N supposed to act like this?" Asked a worried Honenuki, and after taking a moment to think about it, I realized what happened.

"O-Oh, no. He's having a nightmare. I'll help." I said, while kneeling down with him. "Hey, Y/NN, wake up. Everything's fine here. I am here with you." I said, whole also trying to wake him up.

I wasn't able to do so, but instead, he wrapped his arms around me, and trapped me in a big hug, all while still being as sleep.

This was a bit embarrassing, but not that much, so I posted his head a bit, and then said. "There, you're fine, Y/NN." This was then followed by a collective 'Aww.' From all the class, making me blush a bit more.

A bit after, Y/N's scared expression completely subsided, and instead, a smile appeared across his lips, so I was done with him. "Alright, let's hurry up. I wouldn't want him to get another panic attack while I'm away." I said, but as I tried to get up, I realized just how strong had he gripped onto me. "Umm, sorry guys, but it seems like Y/NN here doesn't want to let me go." I then let out a nervous chuckle, knowing that resisting him right now would be futile.

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