Taking Care Of Eri (CH.78)

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Y/N's Pov

Now that Eri knew my name, she didn't stop calling be my that, as she was quite ecstatic to know about it. For the first couple of minutes it still made me uncomfortable, but I was quickly able to shrug it off, and just stayed with her.

A couple minutes after, the doctor came again with Eri's medicine. "Alright, Mr. Y/N. Here's what I got for her. Mostly supplements that she must take to get her vitamin levels back on track. I've also got a diet for her, so she gets her weight back." He then gave me the supplements and a paper detailing the diet Eri should have. "The nurses here can take care of giving her all of this, however, seeing as she's quite attached to you, we would like to ask you help us with it." I nodded in agreement at this, and so, the doctor left.

I then took a moment to go through some of the instructions, and then tried to memorize when to give her each of the medications. There were a bit of them to take note about, but they were all spread across multiple hours of the day, so it wasn't that hard to memorize.

Since there was a still quite a while before I had to go, I decided to simply pass some time with her, so she wouldn't feel alone, and also took the opportunity to show her something new. I grabbed one of the controllers that was lying by the bedside table, and as I turned on the T.V, an found a cartoon for her to watch, Eri asked to me. "What's that?" And as I settled on something I believed was appropriate for her, I started explaining.

"Well, that's a T.V. It's an electronic device used to stream shows, and movies." She nodded in understanding at this, however, something told me that she hadn't fully understood, and just a couple seconds after, this was confirmed to me, as she asked.

"What's a movie?" And with a light chuckle from me, I started explaining that, as well as multiple other questions she made. It was honestly very cute to see her so curious about everything, however, at the same time it broke my heart to see her not know a lot of this, as it would normally be something she would've learned already.

It reminded me quite a lot of myself, since after I turned 5, and tuned off most of my emotions due to my quirk, I would practically stop acting like a kid, and just focused on my work. This usually resulted in me not knowing anything about stuff that kids liked, so every time someone tried to treat me like a child, I would be very confused.

I didn't want that for Eri, so, as I explained her about everything we saw in T.V the best I could, I also made a vow to myself to make sure that she got to enjoy her childhood, and even if she had already missed most of it, I was determined to make the rest of it perfect.

After around one or two hours of watching cartoons, it got close to my time of leaving, but before doing that, I had to make sure Eri got her dinner and medicines. "So, Eri, are you hungry yet?" I asked, to which she was about to reply, before her stomach rumbled a bit, and as a little blush appeared on her face, she nodded. "Alright. What would you like to eat?" She seemed to think about it for a moment, but in the end, she simply said.

"I don't know." I realized that this would get a bit harder, but then, an idea got to me.

"I know, out of all the fruit you ate before, what was your favorite?" She didn't even have to think about this, as she almost immediately started bouncing in my lap, while lightly exclaiming.

"Oh! That red and round one! It was delicious!" I chuckled a bit at this, and as I said to myself. 'Note one: She likes apples.' I took the tablet, and then went through the menu to find something that included apples.

After a little while, I was able to find some cinnamon apple pancakes, which I instantly ordered, with another side of fruit, as she needed to eat really healthy. I basically didn't put any effort in my food, as hospital food never got to me, so it would be as bland as ever, and then placed the order.

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