The Last Night At The Camp (CH.48)

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Itsuka's Pov

As soon as Y/N turned around, I could see him already pulling the trigger, so I tried to stop him. "Wait! Y/NN!!!" But to no avail, he had already fired two times, however, he wasn't aiming to kill him, he instead aimed at one of his knees, and an elbow.

"If I'm around, no one dies." Said Y/N, in a really creepy tone. At that moment, he also approached the villain, and started interrogating him. "What are you doing here? What's your objective?" I was expecting this little kid to answer in an extremely arrogant way, just like how he was talking to us, and I was kinda right.

"W-Why would I-ugh-tell you anything?" He was being arrogant, but it was clear that he was also in pain, but it didn't softened Y/N, who only said.

"Don't make me repeat myself."However, this only angered the kid even more, until he screamed.

"JUST SHUT UP!" And got an extra gun from his back, and used it to fire at Y/N, but he didn't flinch, in fact, he did something out of this world. Just as the bullet approached him, Y/N, with an speed almost imperceptible to the human eye, grabbed it with his hand, and dropped it in front of the speechless boy.

"Are you gonna talk now or what?" Once Y/N said that, the villain looked up at him, with a face that showed nothing but horror, and hardly muttered.

"W-What the h-heck are you? Y-You're not h-human! No one can do that! Not even with a darn q-quirk!!!" He seemed to be getting a panic attack, and just as he finished with his sentence, he got up and started running away from Y/N, despite his injuries. "AAAhhh!!!" But he didn't allowed that, instead, Y/N basically teleported infront of him, and with a stomp that carved a hole in the floor, and a fist directly to his face, that he stopped just millimeters before hitting, Y/N asked again.

"You're not getting away until I get an answer. So, why are you here?" The surprise made him fall back, and tried to get away crawling, but also started answering.

"I-I'm just here for a j-job, with 10 o-other p-people. Our main o-objective is to c-capture Bakugo and Y-Y/N. They w-want B-Bakugo to join them, and they said s-something about Y-Y/N's quirk being u-useful. 10 of u-us would focus on B-Bakugo, while some w-weirdo with a s-sword went against Y-Y/N." I was shocked to know they were directly against Y/N, but before I could ask anything, I realized that this kid had wet his pants. 'Seriously kid?' I asked myself, just before he finished saying. "I SWEAR THAT'S ALL I KNOW!!!" Y/N didn't softened his look, but did say.

"Don't worry." And while dashing across him, he left him unconscious, and finished with. "I believe you." Now that he had finished with that kid, Y/N turned to address me, and surprisingly, his voice did change again, but it wasn't the same as always. "Are you okay, Itsu?" I got up, brushed a bit of dust from me, and said.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Tetsutetsu took most of the damage for me." But just at that moment, I started coughing, a lot, probably from the smoke. This worried Y/N, who catched me before I fell, and asked.

"Itsu, what is it?" I tried to say that it was nothing, but I couldn't managed to say it, so he spoke first, and said. "Here, let me help you." He then gave a peck on the cheek, something which really confused me, so I was going to ask him what was that, just as I started feeling better, and realized that he must've used RG's quirk to heal my lungs from whatever that poison did to them. 

"Oh! Thanks for that." I said, feeling a great relief in my lungs, since the pain had been bugging me for some minutes already. He only chuckled lightly, and while he finished tying the villain, he said. 

"No problem. Can you help me with these two, while I got for Tetsutetsu?" While handing me both villains that he had tied like if they were balloons. I giggled a bit at this, and said.

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