The Tri-Tech Council (CH.39)

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Itsuka's Pov

As soon as Y/N said that, I could feel a menacing aura coming from his father, not in the same way as a villain, but rather like a warning, telling me not to be careless around him, Which instictively made try taking a defensive approach towards him, so I got closer to Y/N and stayed alert for anything.

Looking at them their similarities stood out, both of them had pitch-black hair, the shape of their faces resembled each other a bit, and Mr.Yu's body was slim, just like Y/N before he started developing more muscles at U.A.

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Needless to say, both of their looks could be quite scary

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Needless to say, both of their looks could be quite scary. Judging by the environment of the situation, I could predict that we would be stuck with an awkward silence for some moments, but before that could happen, the person that Y/N pointed out as Mr. Takeda spoke up. "Hello Mrs.Kendo, my name is Yuto Takeda, I guess you can say that me and your boyfriend are friends, I hope we can get along well!" I was surprised by his words, but not only by the fact that I wasn't expecting them, but also because he seemed to be a really loud person, not only that, but he also appeared to be really friendly, since he said all that with a smile plastered in his face.

I gave him a better look to analyze him, and I was surprised to notice how young he seemed, of course he was older than Y/N, but by just giving him a glance, I would guess that he was at much 25 years old, which was still quite surprising fo a job like his. I also looked at other features of his face, he had short black hair with a little blue part at the front, and seemed quite simple, like Midoriya, the only other thing that stood out of him was his body, which was quite bulky, so I assumed that he trained a bit as well.

 I also looked at other features of his face, he had short black hair with a little blue part at the front, and seemed quite simple, like Midoriya, the only other thing that stood out of him was his body, which was quite bulky, so I assumed that h...

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