A Few Days Gone By (CH.113)

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Y/N's Pov

To me, the day had been completely perfect. After finally having a calm day school, the first one with Eri as well, we managed to get to her hospital appointment for her daily checkup, and all of that with no sort of problem. Just that would've left me satisfied, but it didn't stop there, as afterwards we were finally able of taking her to the mall to shop for her new things, like clothes, toys, and much other stuff that she needed.

I also managed to score myself two new photos with both Eri as well as Itsuka, which we immediately got printed and framed. After that though, we quickly had to get back to U.A, since the curfew was coming in close, cutting our day short, but the day had been pretty good already, so I didn't complain all that much.

Once we got back to U.A, we did our best to spend as much time together as we could, since Eri and I decided to spend some time in the 1-B dorm, with Eri using her new toys for the first time, with Tetsutetsu and Pony playing with her as well, with quite a bit of intent as well. Meanwhile I preferred to spend my time sitting with Itsuka on the couch, from where we had the perfect view at them.

We also spent some time talking with Setsuna and Togaru, but soon enough, we had to leave. When I said this to Eri she tried to protest, but we unfortunately didn't have the permit to stay for the night, and it was already too late to go ask for it. This made her feel upset, but I reassured her that we would come back tomorrow as soon as classes finished as well, and after a bit more convincing, she came back to our room willingly.

After putting her to sleep, I had some more time to catch up with both school and work, but soon enough, I went to sleep as well. The following day was pretty normal as well. It was once again going to class, getting Eri to her checkup at the hospital, and once all that was dealt with, I came back, and spent the rest of the day with 1-B, not only because of Itsuka, but also because Eri was really starting to like playing with the others, and not only my group, but most of the other students joined as well, which was a joy for both me and Itsuka.

By this point though, I was starting to wonder when I would hear from K, since he hadn't talked to me since the attack by the Shie Hassaikai, and neither me nor any of my classmates that also attended internships had gone to theirs either.

It was all very confusing, until one day, during class, Aizawa sensei took a moment to speak up and say. "Alright. One final announcement for the day. This only really concerns a few of you, but still. As of today, the internships are officially over for the time being. I know it's already been a few days since you've even been there, but this mostly means that today you get off the payroll, as well as any other benefits given by the agency you used to work at, and I'll immediately begin giving extra classes for those that fell behind due to this program." And honestly, I was a bit dissatisfied.

The internships made me feel like I was finally doing some real hero job, and they even seemed to begin to garner me some fans. I obviously didn't care about this part, but I liked that some of them wrote letters to me, and more than focusing on the thanks, I liked reading the parts were they said how many people I saved, since it made me feel like I was really helping out, just like my mother would've wanted.

Either way, I didn't try to protest the decision though, since I knew there was no point, but as it turned out, it wasn't quite for the reasons I thought. "Although, I can tell you with some confidence that, thanks to this 'test' as you could call it, we're already beginning to plan for your next internships. We just need for the situation to calm down a bit more, and we should then be able of getting you all into something before the year ends." This was good to know, and I already looked forward to it, however, as at that point I also realized something else.

Since the extra classes began today, I had no real plan for Eri, and while there was certainly no problem with her staying during the extra period, since she was very well behaved, and would say Aizawa sensei even began to take a liking to her as well, I still didn't want her to have to stay in here for over half her day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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