A Not So Friendly Reencounter (CH.84)

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Y/N's Pov

Just seeing the notification in my phone made my blood boil and grit my teeth intensely. "I'm gonna kill that bastard..." I said to myself, however, despite me trying not to call anyone's attention, K still heard me, and asked.

"What was that Yu?" I was slightly surprised that he heard me, but after taking a deep breath, as to not show my frustration all that much, I replied.

"It's nothing. A villain I once fought escaped prison and is attacking another city, but I'm sure that the heroes over there should be able to take care of it. Eri's the priority." I didn't like leaving something like this to someone else, but I also didn't want to leave Eri at a moment like this, so I believed that this would be my best bet. Hopefully, Shitsuki wouldn't wreck that much havoc before I managed to get there.

K seemed to get curious about this, so brought out his phone and asked me. "Where and what's his name?" I was a bit surprised that he was interested, but also assumed that it made sense, so I quickly told him and he introduced it into his phone.

I was a bit curious as to what he was looking for, so I moved a bit to peek on his phone, and after a second, I could see him bring up the news of Fukuoka city, the city where Shitsuki was attacking. I was thinking that, while there would be something about Shitsuki, it wouldn't be anything too alarming, however, just when K brought them up, it was clear just how wrong I was.

Just with looking at the thumbnail I could already see how much damaged had he cause, but after K brought up the actual video, we could hear the full extent of the situation. [This level of destruction is almost unprecedented. Just a few minutes ago, the city of Fukuoka was on complete calm, when a stranger suddenly appeared and started destroying everything. Despite the fast reaction from the Pro Heroes, none of them were able to lay a single finger on the perpetrator who, through his chanting and incessant chattering, we've discovered that goes by the surname: Shitsuki. Now we'll hand the word to Mr. Kenkyu, our expert on Villain psychology.] Looking at K, his expression changed to a more analytical and focused one, while I just got angrier and more frustrated, especially by the fact that this happened just now.

We continued looking at the news for a bit longer, as we needed to know a bit more before decided if I had to go, but it felt almost certain already. [Well, seeing the level of destruction on such a short amount of time, it's clear that this 'Shitsuki' isn't looking to make any real demands, and is rather looking to call for someone's attention. My guess is that, in a few seconds, he'll probably take a hostage and ask for someone in specific to come. There's also the possibility that he might just want to wreak havoc, but this days, with the Kamino incident still fresh in out minds, I doubt it.] I was honestly a bit surprised by this psychologist, as he seemed to be quite competent at his job, and he wasn't wrong with his prediction either.

Shortly after, the news channel received some more information, so they changed to the aerial camera of the attacked area, and it was very easy to see Shitsuki in the middle of everything. Looking closer at him, he was also holding a pretty old man, and as he lifted him up, Shitsuki loudly screamed. [Y/N!!! I KNOW YOU'RE WATCHING THIS!!! COME FIGHT ME AGAIN!!! I'LL PROVE I'M STRONGER THAT YOU!!!] Just hearing this was enough for me to decided to go, but he wasn't done just yet. [YOU ALREADY SAW WHAT I CAN DO, AND IF YOU DON'T ARRIVE IN TEN MINUTES, I'LL MAKE SURE TO KILL EVERYONE HERE!!!] With this, he was seemingly done talking, as the camera was taken back to the news station office, where the news host started discussing about this with their expert, but I had already stopped paying attention.

I turned towards the door, and as I prepared my suit for the fight, I also said to K. "Sir, please take care of everything here. Call me as soon as Nighteye is done with the paperwork and I'll see if I'm able to come take Eri. If I'm unable, keep everyone here until I come back. I hope nothing happens during my absence, but we can't be too cautious with this." K just nodded at me, and right before I walked out, he said.

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