The Beginning Of The Camp (CH.41)

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Y/N's Pov

After I saw Itsuka get inside her class, I got inside mine. There everyone was minding his own business, so I did as well, and walked to my seat. Once I had settled all my things, I placed Yoriichi's cage on my desk, and started playing with him. While I did this, I didn't paid attention to my surroundings, when I suddenly noticed that a big part of my class was surrounding me, and then Momo said. "Is that your cat, Y/N?"

"Oh, yes it is." I said, while opening the cage, and getting him out, so he could meet everyone. "His name is Yoriichi, or Yorii, for short, I found him some months ago in an alleyway, and he's been living with me since then." All of them did as I expected, the girls let out an 'Awww', Eijiro said something about me being manly, and most of them asked me if they could pet him, to which I said yes. After a while of Yoriichi receiving his pets from the entire class, I noticed Aizawa sensei entering, so after some seconds, they all finished with him, and went to their places, I then got him back in his cage, and paid attention to Aizawa sensei.

"Okay, everyone's here, get down to the entrance next to the buses. I'll tell you more there." We then all grabbed our things, and started leaving the classroom. I also grabbed my things, and made my way to the exit, but when I was about to leave, I heard Aizawa sensei calling me. "Hey Y/N, wait a moment." I stopped in my track, and listened to what he had to say. "I just wanted to confirm if you brought your cat, as you said you would."

"Oh! Right, here he is." I said, while raising Yoriichi's cage, so he could see him, and I swear, I saw him blush a bit at the sight of him. This surprised me, but I tried to shrug it off by saying. "Anyways, I should go join the rest." To which he said I was right, and so I left.

Once I got outside with the rest, just before boarding the buses, Aizawa sensei got infront of us, and started explaining everything. "As you all know, we'll go to a camp in the forest for this vacations, but as any person studying to become a hero, there's no time to waste on just relaxing, therefor, we'll use this time to train, with the help of some pro heroes at the camp, understood?" We all exclaimed 'Yes Sensei!', and he then allowed us to board the bus, but as we made our way inside it, Neito came seemingly out of nowhere and screamed.

"HUH! CLASS A HAS TO GO TO COMPLEMENTARY CLASSES!! DOES THIS MEAN THAT THEY FAILED THE EXAM!!! WEREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO B-" However, as he said the last part, both me and Itsuka got behind him, and chopped his neck at the same time.

"Sorry for that guys." She said, as I handed him Neito,, so she could take him back to his class.

"No problem, Itsu, thanks for taking care of him." I said, while giving her a smile, which she returned. I then walked back to my class, just as the rest of the girls from 1-B apologized for Neito's attitude as well. After what, Minoru started looking at them with some dirty intentions. "If you don't want to end up just like Neito, you better think more carefully your actions." I said with the deepest voice I could make, in order to scare him, and it worked. Because just a moment later, he stiffened in fear, and ran all the way to the bus. Then the rest of us got up in seat order, however, as I was an odd number, I got a solo seat at the front, one place behind Aizawa sensei, which I didn't mind at all.

As soon as the bus started moving, everyone made a ruckus, some wanting to play music, others wanting to play a game during the way, even Tenya was doing a bunch of noise while trying to calm them down. All this noise discouraged Aizawa sensei from explaining the rules, so I only heard that we would stop once every hour for a break.

Since I didn't had anything to do, I started looking around, and wondering about what to do. Until I gave up, and decided just to read something. I hadn't brought any books with me, but I had some loaded on my phone, so I got it out, and started reading.

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