Wandering On I-Island (CH.35)

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Y/N's Pov

I was driving, while Itsuka admired our surroundings, even if I couldn't see her face, I was sure that she was smiling and enjoying the ride, which made me extremely happy, and all the effort to get the license worth it.

Once we arrived at the airport, I took a different route, so instead of going to the terminal, we went directly to the hangar, this seemed to confuse her, and when we stopped she asked. "What are we doing here, Y/NN?" As I took off my own helmet, I answered.

"Well, we're going to board the plane." And then the doors of the hangar started opening, now she understood what was happening, and exclaimed.

"You have your own plane!!!" Now that the doors were fully open, there was a clear view of my jet, I had bought some years ago, and tuned it with some of my technology, so it could work in a more efficient way, and that auto was able to fly it, but always with help from a human, I then gave a look at Itsuka, and she was completely shocked, this made me chuckle, and got her out of her trance, then I said.

"I don't like to buy luxurious things, but I found that having a plane whenever I needed it, was really useful, so I got one, however, I don't have any special crew, or anything else on board, aside from the pilot of course." She just nodded, a bit stunned still, and we got closer, at that moment, John, my pilot, got down from the plane and approached us.

" She just nodded, a bit stunned still, and we got closer, at that moment, John, my pilot, got down from the plane and approached us

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With a pilot uniform

"Mr.Y/N, just on time, as always!" He said, with his cheerful tone, but then he gave us a look and asked. "You don't have any luggage?" While his face changed to a confused expression, and I just told him to wait for a second, as I quickly used the teleporting quirk, and got all of our things, when I had everything, he said. "Oh well, it isn't too much, let me help you with it sir." But when he tried to do so, I said.

"John." He looked at me, and froze at my annoyed look. "We've already talk about this." He seemed to remember a conversation that we already had various times, so he backed up, and with a nervous chuckle said.

"Sorry sir, I forgot, I will go start the engine then." I just nodded at him, and he then gave a look to Itsuka, and said. "Oh, I see you have a new friend!" This made me realize that I hadn't presented them yet, so I did it.

"Right, John, this is my girlfriend, Itsuka Kendo." She then extended her hand, while saying, 'Nice to meet you!' "Itsuka, this is John, my private pilot." And he stretched her hand, and replied. 

"The pleasure's all mine!" Then, he backed up once again, and said. "Well, it's good to see that you followed my advice, sir." I got a bit confused by this, but I then remembered the last non-work related talk we had, and the advice that he gave me, to get more friend, and probably a girlfriend, at the time I didn't payed attention, but I was actually enjoying this. "Anyways, I'll get the engine going, while you prepare." And then he entered the plane to prepare it, I then grabbed some of the luggage, and Itsuka took the remainings, and we took it towards the cargo section, while Itsuka said.

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