The Detour (CH.21)

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Y/N's Pov

I was sleeping greatly, it had been the first night in months were I didn't had any nightmare, when I woke up, I looked at Itsuka's room, then I moved my gaze towards her, she was still sleeping safe and sound in my lap, and giving some little snores, her cuteness made me smile, and I couldn't resist giving her a quick peck on her head, she hummed in delightment and snuggled in my lap, while I chuckled a bit, then I took out my phone and looked at the hour, there were only 15 minutes until class, I got a but scared and tried to wake her up. "Itsuka! Wake Up!" She grunted a bit, and snorted a 'Five more minutes.' Even if it was something cute to see, we were almost late. "We're going to be late! There's only 15 minutes left!" When I said this, she shot up from my lap into a standing position, in less than a second.

"We've gotta hurry up then, you take whatever you need while I change, Go!" I took all my clothes, and walked to the bathroom, there I put them on as fast as I could, but it wasn't perfect, my tie wasn't placed correctly, and my shirt wasn't completely fixed, but it was enough, yesterday I had brought my toothbrush, so I quickly brushed my teeth, fixed my hair a bit, and walked out, there Itsuka was in her uniform, she looked as sloppy as me, but we didn't had time to fix that, she entered the bathroom, while I took our bags from her room, when I was going to the stairs, she came out and followed me, down stairs she grabbed a bun, we gave our goodbyes to her parents and walked out, once outside, she broke the bread in half, while I was looking at my phone for the teleporting aura, it took me around two minutes to copy it with the image that I had on my phone, and I used it to put both of us at the entrance of the school. "Why here, and not in our classrooms?" Asked Itsuka.

"Because we still have some little details to fix." I answered, she didn't seemed to catch up with what I meant, but I fixed my shirt, while signaling at hers, now she understood what I meant, for the next minutes, while we walked, we started juggling with all we had, trying to fix our ties and shirts, while she gave me my half of the bun, and I gave her her bag, by the time we were infront of our classes, we were ready. "Well, see you later Itsuka." I said, and before she could answer, I gave her a quick peck on the cheek, now she had a smile, and little blush.

"Yeah, see you soon." She said, I gave her a warm smile as well, and we entered our classrooms, what happened next, didn't ruined my day, but it was pretty annoying, as soon as I crossed the door, both Denki and Minoru came to me and said.

"Well, who would've imagined this, our own Y/N coming to school with a girl, I'm assum-" I suddenly cut him off by hitting him on his face, this sent him back a short distance, then I looked at Denki with a cold expression, but he just backed away, looking at the rest of the classroom, everyone was surprised, but quickly stopped paying attention and did something else, at my back Aizawa sensei entered the classroom, and I made my way to my seat, once I did and he was at the front desk, he said.

"They don't pay me enough for me to care about whatever you do before I get here, so let's just get right into class, before anything, if you already have chosen where to take your internship, please leave your sheet in my desk before the class ends." After that the day was pretty normal, I just left my sheet on the desk and waited for recess, once it came around, I walked out of the classroom, and was immediately meet with Itsuka.

"Hey Y/N" She greeted me, I smiled and said.

"Hi Itsu." She looked surprised at first, but then gave a pleased look.

"Oh, so you have a nickname for me now?" I let out a small chuckled, and then replied.

"There isn't anything wrong with that, right? It's just that after what happened yesterday, I thought we could be more 'open', with each other, so I just thought of this." She smiled at me and laughed a bit.

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