Staying At The Hospital (CH.49)

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Y/N's Pov

After what happened to Itsuka, I stopped paying attention to anything that happened outside and just focused on her. At first, I only laid by her side, crying, and hoping everything would be okay with her, but after a couple of minutes, she started sweating a lot, and grunted in discomfort, while still being unconscious. I freaked out at first, but once I catched up with what was happening to her, I noticed her symptoms, and realized that she had a fever, I had no idea how she got one, but I had to take care of her.

I first placed a cool towel over her forehead, and made sure to keep her hydrated, thanks to my treatment she was physically fine, and was technically too tired to wake up, so it wasn't hard giving her something to drink, and thankfully, what she was wearing was quite appropriate for her situation, otherwise I would probably have had to change her clothes, not like I care too much, but it would've been really embarrassing.

As I finished making sure she was fine, I remembered how she took care of me back at I-Island when I had a similar condition, I couldn't resist chuckling at this thought, and then said. "Huh, this is like if I was repaying you for that time, wouldn't you say?" But as I asked her this, and turned to look at her, I remembered that she wasn't 'here' right now, which only made me tear up a bit and say. "Oh, right. Please, please! B-Be okay!"

Now that I was done making sure she was fine, I started thinking about what to do next, when I remembered that I hadn't called an ambulance or anything. I then looked inside my pockets, around the room, everywhere, and realized that I didn't have my phone at the moment. I couldn't remember where I left it, but it was most certain that I left it somewhere at my room, so that's where I should start.

I almost instantly sprinted there, and started looking around, it wasn't near my futon, I didn't find it in my luggage, but after some more seconds of looking, I finally found it near my equipment. Now that I had it, as I also started making my way back with Itsuka, I called the emergency services, I'm not sure if someone had already done that, but I didn't care, even if this was only to confirm it and calm myself, I had to do it. [911, what's your emergency?] I heard from the other side of the phone.

"Hello, my name is Y/N, I'm a U.A student, and we need help, some villains attacked our camp and there's several students i-injured." I was trying really hard to sound calm, but the truth was that I was about to break down, something we didn't had time for.

[Okay, kid, I need you to tell me where's your camp exactly, so I send you help.] At that moment I noticed that I didn't know where we were, so I had a bit of a problem.

"Okay, I don't know exactly where it is, but it's a huge piece of land owned by the Wild Wild Pussycats, and, what else. Oh, and it is about 1 and a half hour to the east of Musutafu!" From my side I heard the lady type something on her computer, and then addressed me again.

[Okay, thanks, that seems to be enough for the moment.] I was highly relieved that she could find us with just that, and she continued with. [I've already sent some people to help, they come mainly in choppers, so they should arrive there shortly.] Now, this really took a weight of my shoulders, just knowing that they were on their way, was enough to almost make me faint, but I wasn't done.

"Thanks!" I said to the lady, and she replied.

[No problem, kid, just stay safe and follow your teachers orders for the time being.] I then hung up and was just about to fall unconscious from all the stress of the night, but as I turned a bit, and looked at Itsuka, I realized that I couldn't do it, I had to be awake to make sure she was fine, and so, with all the strength I had, I forced myself to stay awake, and waited.

After that was done, I could hardly pay attention to anything, I was too tired think, and had to focus all my energies to barely stay awake, which didn't leave any left for me to focus on whatever was happening around me. I think some of my classmates came to talk with me while I waited, but I didn't even notice who did so.

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